Prevenzione e salute

Ricerche sui fattori di rischio e sulle politiche e azioni di prevenzione della violenza estrema sulle donne

E. Ummak, E. D. Toplu, H. Özkan, " Unheard Voices of LGB People in Türkiye on LGB-specific Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence: A Qualitative Analysis". Violence Against Women, 2024, 0(0).


Drawing upon in-depth, semistructured interviews with 26 LGB participants, we explored how LGB individuals experience IPV uniquely in Türkiye. Conducting thematic analysis, we generated four themes: (a) invalidation of sexual identity, (b) controlling sexuality and sexual behaviors, (c) disclosure of sexual orientation, and (d) binegativity. The analysis emphasizes LGB-specific power dynamics influencing IPV. A discussion is provided regarding the extent to which these four themes are specific to IPV in LGB relationships. Additionally, recommendations are offered to mental health professionals on tailoring their approaches and promoting advocacy for the needs of LGB IPV survivors.

A. Giorgetti⁎, P. Fais, E. Giovannini, C. Palazzo, I. Filipuzzi, G. Pelletti, S. Pelotti,, "A 70-year study of femicides at the Forensic Medicine department, University of Bologna (Italy)". Forensic Science International 333 (2022) 111210.


Femicide s defined as the gender-related killings of women and girls or as an any intentional murder of women and it represents a worldwide health issue. Although it has gained a growing attention across the public and the media, true data on its prevalence and a characterization of the phenomenon are still scarce. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the characteristics of female homicides and femicides, which are necessary to design and monitor effective preventive efforts. Post-mortem examination reports of fe- male homicides occurred in the judicial district of Bologna over a period of 70 years were revised. Characteristics of victims and perpetrators, circumstantial and post-mortem data were extracted. Overall, 172 female homicides were observed, including 103 femicides, with no significant changes over time. The mean age of victims increased over time and showed a statistically significant association with the victim- perpetrator relationship. Homicides committed by non-intimate partner family members increased.

Our study unveiled that, in the past decades, femicide was a hidden but constant social phenomenon, despite the social, cultural and juridical changes. The research in forensic pathology could help bring to light trends, characteristics and risk factors to be considered for strategies to counteract violence against women.



P. Romito, M. Pellegrini, M-J. Saurel-Cubizolles, "Intimate Partner Violence Against Women During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Italy: A Multicenter Survey Involving Anti-Violence Centers". Violence Against Women 2022, Vol. 28.


This study explores intimate partner violence (IPV) evolution during the lockdown with a sample of 238 women (44% cohabitating and 56% not cohabitating with the perpetrator), attending five antiviolence centers in Italy (JuneSeptember 2020). Questions included 12 items on IPV and, for each item, a question about whether vio- lence increased/stayed the same/decreased during lockdown; an indicator of IPV mod- ifications was constructed. Two distinct patterns, confirmed after adjustment for socio-demographic factors, emerged: IPV increased for 28% of cohabitating and decreased for 56% of non-cohabitating women. Such results suggest the efficacy of physical distancingstrictly controlled by the Statein the prevention of IPV.

DOI: 10.1177/10778012221079374 


P. Demurtas e M. Misiti (a cura di, Violenza contro le donne in Italia. Ricerche, orientamenti e buone pratiche, Guerini editore, 2021

Il volume  contiene i principali risultati delle ricerche condotte nei primi due anni del progetto ViVa (monitoraggio, valutazione e analisi degli interventi di prevenzione e contrasto alla violenza contro le donne), realizzato da Cnr-Irpps, in base ad un accordo con il Dipartimento per le Pari Opportunità della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri. Da un lato, il progetto intende ampliare e completare le indagini Istat sui servizi attivi a livello territoriale nel supporto alle donne vittime di violenza e nell’intervento con gli uomini maltrattanti, dall’altro promuove una nuova sensibilità rispetto al monitoraggio delle politiche e degli interventi realizzati a valere sugli ultimi due piani nazionali, oggetto di specifiche e approfondite analisi di tipo valutativo. Nel volume i diversi interventi illustrano le caratteristiche e le funzioni dei molteplici attori che a vario titolo sono impegnati in questo campo, sui meccanismi individuati ai diversi livelli per prevenire e contrastare il fenomeno, sui punti di forza e criticità del sistema nel suo complesso.Pur avendo un intento prevalentemente ricognitivo e descrittivo, il volume cerca di interpretare alcuni passaggi cruciali nell’evoluzione delle politiche di prevenzione e contrasto alla violenza nel nostro Paese, proponendo possibili correttivi. A seguito delle analisi presentate nei diversi contributi, le autrici e gli autori suggeriscono infatti una serie di misure con cui delineano orizzonti e prospettive di lavoro che possano consentire di superare le criticità riscontrate.

C. Corradi (ed.), Policies on Violence Against Women in a Comparative Perspective, thematic issue Journal of Mediterranean Knowledge, 2020, 5 (1).

In the last 25 years, women’s movements, governments and international bodies have been active in awareness-raising on and reduction of violence against women (VAW). The main aim of this issue is to provide an overview of comparative perspectives of policies and services, which offer an innovative point of view to evaluate action. A comparative outlook on VAW initiatives can show acceleration or deceleration in decision-making, proliferation or scarcity of regulations, high or low effectiveness of plans and services in reaching set goals, and reasons why this is the case. The four articles of this issue [Stamatel, J., Ratajczak, K. & Hoekstra, R., Do Gun Policies Really Protect Women? A Cross-National Test Of The Relationship Between Gun Regulations And Female Homicide Victimization; Toffanin, A., Pietrobelli, M., Gadda, A. & Misiti, M., Vaw Policy Regimes In Italy: An Analysis Across Regional Governments And Women’s Centres; Meler, T. & Hiskerik, M., Institutional Abandonment Of Minority Women In Israel Who Are Violence Victims, Tchaïcha, J. & Arfaoui, K., Finding Voice through Film Viewing: Tunisian Women Interpret Gendered Violence in Post-revolutionary Tunisia] present original research conducted on firearm policy on a global scale, comparative analysis of services in Italy, accessibility of VAW services in Israel and perceptions of VAW after film screening in Tunisia. The articles illustrate the level of interest that elicited by VAW, the complexities of the analysis and the local and global actors that play a role in action against this global problem. 

G. Sapio, "Victimes de violences conjugales face aux campagnes institutionnelles entre ventriloquie, injonctions et paradoxes". Études de communication, n. 54, 2020, pp. 53-70. Open Access:


This article presents the results of a fieldwork study conducted in Italy in an anti-violence center for female victims of domestic abuse. Based on a semio-pragmatic approach combined with symbolic interactionism (in the form of focus groups), the study explores how victims of domestic violence react to representations of their own situation of victimhood in institutional media campaigns against domestic abuse. The creation of a dialogue between the media corpus and women’s testimonies brings to light the effects of institutional « ventriloquism » as well as the injunctions and paradoxes that characterize media coverage of this public problem.

S. Capecchi, Le campagne sociali italiane contro la violenza maschile sulle donne: come uscire dalla rappresentazione della donna «vittimizzata»?, cap. 8 in P. Lalli (a cura di), L'amore non uccide,  Il Mulino, 2020 

L'analisi individua i frames che orientano le rappresentazioni di 46 campagne pubblicitarie antiviolenza italiane dal 2006 al 2018, realizzate da attori sociali diversi: istituzioni ed enti pubblici, associazioni femministe, enti non profit, aziende. Emergono cinque tipi di frames principali, non necessariamente corrispondenti a tappe temporali successive, bensì ai diversi percorsi di costruzione della violenza di genere come problema sociale. Gli aspetti principali enucleati, tenendo conto sia del linguaggio pubblicitario sia  della ‘call to action’ a cui rimandano, sono: a) il ‘victim blaming’ della donna “colpevole” di non denunciare; b) la donna innamorata che si rende permeabile alla violenza; c) il tentativo di rivolgersi agli uomini, per cercare alleanza e al tempo stesso, in modo ambivalente, educarli a una diversa mascolinità; d) il richiamo diretto a un punto di vista femminile di fuoriuscita dalla spirale della violenza; e) la violenza di genere come questione collettiva con un richiamo diretto all’impegno delle istituzioni. [nella versione ebook del 2021 il capitolo è disponibile nella sezione Darwin Books del Mulino all'indirizzo]


C. Oddone, Perpetrating violence in intimate relationships as a gendering practice. An ethnographic study on domestic violence perpetrators in France and Italy.  Violence: an international journal, 2020: 1-23

Based on an ethnographic research on perpetrator programs in France and Italy, this article aims at analyzing men’s accounts of intimate partner violence in heterosexual relationships. Whether perpetrators explain their violence (1) as a trivial fact, (2) as a reaction to their partner’s behavior, or (3) as a temporary and exceptional loss of control, these adult heterosexual men refer to a “natural” gender order and to heteronormative representations of women and men. In particular, these violent acts against female partners seem to be employed as (4) strategic performances to “save face” and achieve a hegemonic model of masculinity. Situated in the tension between norm and deviance, the perpetration of domestic violence can be framed as a gendering practice: through the performance of abusive acts against women in the context of intimate relationships, perpetrators attempt to situate themselves in the wide spectrum of masculinities and in its internal hierarchy. The study of men’s perception and experience of violence perpetration leads to overcome the binary conception of intimate partner violence that opposes men and women.

A. Sorrentino, C. Guida, V. Cinquegrana, AC. Baldry, "Femicide Fatal Risk Factors: A Last Decade Comparison between Italian Victims of Femicide by Age Groups". Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020  vol. 17(21) 


Femicide is a wide-spread lethal form of violence against women. Despite its diffusion, to date, very few studies analyzed possible victims’ age differences in regard to fatal risk factors for femicide. To this aim, we carried out archive research on Italian femicide cases in the last decade, by comparing prior types of violence suffered and motives for femicide, which are considered crucial fatal risk factors for femicide, across adolescent/young (15–24 years), adults (25–64 years) and older women (65–93 years). From 2010 to 2019 we found 1207 female victims. Characteristics of victims, perpetrators, and their relationship were consistent with those found by international studies and underlined that the majority of femicides were perpetrated by an intimate partner. The results regarding fatal risk factors comparisons across age groups showed the existence of significant differences regarding both types of violence suffered prior to femicide and motives for femicide. The results are discussed in terms of policy implication and intervention.

Doi: 10.3390/ijerph17217953

L.Pomicino , L. Beltramini, P. Romito, "Freeing Oneself From Intimate Partner Violence: A Follow-Up of Women Who Contacted an Anti-violence Center in Italy". Violence Against Women 2019, vol. 25.


This study examines the situation of women ( N = 124) who had presented themselves to an anti-violence center in Italy in the previous 3-5 years. At follow-up, 37.3% had no contact with the perpetrator, 22.7% had stayed with him, and 39.8% had "forced" contact. Almost half of the sample was still subjected to intimate partner violence (IPV). Compared to women with "no contact," the risk of IPV was 5.9 times higher for women who stayed with the perpetrator, and 10.5 times higher for women with "forced" contact. These results confirm that ending IPV does not depend exclusively on women's choices.

DOI: 10.1177/1077801218802641