Interpolation by polynomials and Shannon's sampling theorem (7/3/23)
[ .pdf 1475Kb ]
Hyperbolic metric and finite Pick interpolation (8/3/23)
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Weierstrass factorization, Mittag-Leffler Theorem, and interpolation of entire functions (14-15/3)
[ .pdf 2378Kb ]
Whiteboard of 14/3
[ .pdf 2402Kb ]
About linear interpolation of entire functions (following discussion on 15/03)
[ .pdf 732Kb ]
Jensen formula, Blaschke products, and Carleson interpolation theorem (21-22/03)
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Hadamard factorization theorem (28-29/03)
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Interpolation and sampling in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert spaces (and the abstract Pick property) 4-5/04
[ .pdf 5148Kb ]
Paley-Wiener's Theorem (12/04)
[ .pdf 1889Kb ]