'Asia Institute' award for Master's Thesis

Asia Institute aims to encourage research on the Asian continent among students of the Master's and Single-Cycle Master's Degree courses at the University of Bologna by rewarding the best thesis that contributes to an in-depth study and research about Asia.

With the aim of encouraging research and study of the Asian continent from a historical, socio-political and cultural perspective, Asia Institute proposes the  a competition to reward Master's degree theses of particular academic interest focused on the Asian continent for what concerns innovation, media, information and culture.


We are glad to announce the second edition of the "Asia Institute" award for Master's degree theses.  We will accept Master's degree theses that have Asia and its countries  as its object of investigation, its characteristics within the world of today and the multiple prospects for innovation and change that it offers at a global level in the social, economic, political, technological, cultural and media fields.

We will accept theses from candidates that graduated with their master's degree at University of Bologna with theses presented within the 1st of June 2023 and the 31st of March 2024. Application are open until the 15th of September 2024.

The title for the 2022-2023 edition was No more “continent of the future”: Asia and the drivers of today's change. We accepted Master's degree theses that had Asia and its countries  as its object of investigation, its characteristics within the world of today and the multiple prospects for innovation and change that it offers at a global level in the social, economic, political, technological, cultural and media fields.

The winner of the 2023 contest was Laura Salvemini, gruduated in political sciences, who presented a thesis titled “A defense-offense balance approach to conflict risk: The U.S. and China in the South China Sea disputes”.