
China is the traditional focus of the activities and the projects carried out by the China Association College during its fourteen years of activity. At the same time, it is also one of the most strategic focal points for the collaborative and research projects of the Asia Institute. At the same time, China is an area of particular interest for the University of Bologna. On this page (still under development), we will highlight some ongoing projects.

UNIBO Projects - Highlights

DATE: Friday May 10th h. 7:00 pm

Teatro del Baraccano; Via del Baraccano 2, Bologna

On Friday, May 10th, will take place the concert of traditional chinese music titled "Guyu: Rain for the Grain". The event is organized by the Asia Institute in collaboration with the Baraccano Theater. The concert is a unique opportunity to discover Chinese musical culture.

Guyu is the period from mid-April to early May, characterized by an increase of spring rains that promote the growth of grains. The music that will be performed ranges from different epochs and regions of China, offering a sound journey into Chinese spring.

The ticket costs 5€.

Link to purchase the tickets:

WRITE - New Forms of Calligraphy in China: A Contemporary Culture Mirror is a multi-annual project coordinated by Professor Adriana Iezzi of the University of Bologna and financed by the European Research Council (ERC), within the scope of Action 1 of Horizon 2020. WRITE intends to explore how calligraphy – a central tenet of Chinese civilization – has transformed in contemporary China, with specific interest in all fields of visual and performing arts.

Contact us

Those who are conducting or who are willing to start a research project on China, and would like to work together with the Asia Institute or to give visibility to their projects on this webpage, are kindly invited to send an email to the contact person for China with a short description of their research project.


Prof. Antonio Fiori

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Wu Yinzhe (Tutor Asia Institute)

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