
Korea stands out as one of the most crucial and fastest-growing actors in the Asia-Pacific area. Therefore, it is an area of strategic interest for the research activities of the Asia Institute, which promotes several activities and projects to strengthen the study and the expertise on the Korean peninsula.

UNIBO Projects - Highlights

The Department of Arts of the University of Bologna has obtained a three-years grant for "SEED PROGRAM FOR KOREAN STUDIES" supported by the Korean Studies Promotion Service of the Academy of Korean Studies. The goal of the project is to enhance Korean Studies at the University of Bologna through the organization of activities aimed primarily at students but also at the broader academic and local community. The project has an interdisciplinary approach with the goal of combining humanities and social sciences. As part of this project, we have established, within the Asia Institute, the Korea Center, a platform for all the activities and events related to Korea.

The Korean Paradox - Domestic Political Divide and Foreign Policy in South Korea is a research project coordinated by Antonio Fiori, Marco Milani and Matteo Dian of the University of Bologna, which uses an innovative approach to analyse South Korea's foreign policy, focusing on the importance of non-material factors such as political traditions, system values and identities. The project directly deals with key issues in South Korean foreign policy, including the North Korean threat, the alliance with the United States, the relationship with China and Russia, the complex relations with Japan and the role of South Korea outside of East Asia.

The ROK-EU Strategic Dialogue was a conference held in Bologna between the 22nd and the 23rd of April of 2024. The event was a collaboration between Asia Institute and KINU. The main topic of the meeting was the issue of democratic backsliding and its possible solutions. The event was attended by scholars and experts from the EU and South Korea.

Contact us

Those who are conducting or who are willing to start a research project on Korea, and would like to work together with the Asia Institute or to give visibility to their projects on this webpage, are kindly invited to send an email to the Contact person for Korea with a short description of their research project.


Prof. Marco Milani

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