Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna – UNIBO held the 1st SaferUP! Week on early April.
With attendance of all Early Stage Researcher and advisors during a full week which aims to:
To develop a new generation of researchers and leaders at European research-training network level by improving both academic and non-academic sectors knowledge.
To deliver to the ESRs a training programmed of multidisciplinary and intersectoral topics that far exceeds that available to standard doctoral students and give them the chance to work and study in a multicultural and international environment.
To expose the ESRs to effective intersectionality by means of a detailed schedule of secondments through which they willmake the most of the knowledge of supervisors and co-supervisors and of their local facilities.
To increase the career prospect of the ESRs through Transferable skills courses, providing them a purpose made SAFERUP! Portfolio (brochure and video by ESCI) that will distinguish them from other professionals as ambassador of SAFERUP! Innovative solutions.
The program of the SAFERUP! Week was composed by lectures on the State of the Art, site visiting and workshops on soft skills, following the program below: