Network events are structured into four SAFERUP! Weeks to maximize the intensity, exchange and interaction beetwen ESRs.
SAFERUP! Week consists of a Workshop, the courses of Scientific & Technological Modules,the courses of the Transferable Skills Module and a Scrum. Each Week will be organized in a different place and hosted by the Beneficiaries: Week 1 in Bologna (UNIBO, Italy), Week 2 in Santander (UC, Spain), Week 3 in Bonn (DRC, Germany) and Week 4 in Coventry (COVENT, UK).
Each Workshop is organized by a local Non-Academic beneficiary or partner that will invite a renowned Visiting Scientist to give a talk on the specific workshop topic. Scrums will be chaired by participants working on that topic and will see the involvement of a Main Invited Stakeholder from the local institutions. Workshops and Scrums are open for Public Engagement and Dissemination.