The research programme is divided into five Work Packages (WP).

Research is divided into 2 integrated WPs: WP2 deals with the development of Safe, Accessible and Urban pavements, whilst WP3 is based on the design of innovative solutions for constructing more Resilient, Sustainable and Smart pavements. The other WPs are: WP1 devoted to Management, Recruitment, Communication; WP4 designed for Training; and WP5 dedicated to Open Science Dissemination & Public Engagement.

The SAFERUP! Research framework (WP2 and WP3) is incorporated into the Training structure (WP4) in accordance with the Training-Through-Research approach. The two research WPs intersect with each other, so that each Individual Research Project relates to two or three of the 6 main pillar-topics of SAFERUP! For instance, the projects of ESR2 and ESR3 share aspects of road safety, urban mobility and accessibility, the ESR4 project takes place between safety and accessibility, while the ESR5 topic is mainly concerned urban mobility and accessibility of elderly and disabled people.