ESR5. Accessible Urban Surfaces (AccessUS)


To study and understand the needs and characteristics of urban walkable pavements that are accessible for disabled and elderly people. To include Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect mitigation in pavement design for user comfort.

  • Task 5.1: assess users-pavement interaction by means of PAMELA testing facility in a simulated urban paved scenario.
  • Task 5.2: determine and test appropriate surfaces with people to check their acceptability and safety.
  • Task 5.3: study new paving solutions to improve accessibility and legibility at all levels for improved social inclusion.
  • Task 5.4: to test surfaces with local implementing organisations for feasibility and UHI effect mitigation.

Expected Results:

  • A range of new practical pedestrian surfaces which are acceptable to elderly and disabled people.
  • Improved walkability, safety, legibility and comfort of urban paved surfaces for mobility impaired people.


Host Institutions:

University College London


N. Tyler (UCL) (London, UNITED KINGDOM)

J. L. Borau (FONCE) (Madrid, SPAIN)

A.L. Pisello (UNIPG) (Perugia, ITALY)


Nick Tyler

First Supervisor

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Octavio Zamundio Lopez

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University College London