ESR2. Safer Hydronic urban Pavements (SaferHP)


To use renewable energy sources for hydronic temperature control within asphalt pavements to prevent road damage (rutting and cracking) and ensure road safety for all roads and pavements’ users due to de-iced surfaces.

  • Task 2.1: developing a suitable hydronic pavement structure (number, type of layers) for geothermal energy applications.
  • Task 2.2: mix designs for hydronic pavement layers; laboratory physical and mechanical characterization.
  • Task 2.3: implementing & investigating the performance of a full-scale hydronic pavement structure with embedded sensors.
  • Task 2.4: deducting structural recommendations for tempered urban pavements.

Expected Results:

  • Structural design of a tempered hydronic urban pavement.
  • Recipes of pavement layers for optimised temperature control.
  • Guidelines for structure, mix design, construction & management of hydronic pavements.


Host Institutions:

Durth-Roos Consulting GmbH


R. Hess (DRC) (Bonn, GERMANY)

K. Mollenhauer (UNIKASS) (Kassel, GERMANY)

B. Hofko (TUWIEN) (Wien, AUSTRIA)


Rainer Hess

First Supervisor

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Arsel Inestroza Mercado

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