ESR11. Assessing Environmental Suitability of New Permeable Pavements in SuDS (EnviSuPP)


To assess potential environmental effects, potential to retain and bioremediate contaminants in new materials for Permeable Pavement Systems (PPS), Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), 100% RA and fast-repairing asphalts (FRACs).

  • Task 11.1: identify physicochemical properties, contaminants and toxicity of leachates from new materials and bioremediation solutions.
  • Task 11.2: conduct ecological risk assessments of leachates from ESR7, ESR10 and ESR13 generated materials.
  • Task 11.3: provide data from previous tasks into a decision framework to identify the most suitable materials, designs and properties of PPS, SuDS, 100% RA and FRACs.


Expected Results:

  • Comprehensive analysis of the environmental suitability of new materials for PPS, SuDS, 100% RA and FRACs.
  • Manual providing a framework to assess potential environmental impacts associated with new materials.


Host Institutions:

Coventry University


S. Coupe (COVENT) (Coventry, UNITED KINGDOM)

D. Castro Fresno (UC) (Santander, SPAIN)

M. Zaumanis (CELU) (Kekava, LATVIA)


Steve Coupe

First Supervisor

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Alireza Fathollahi

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Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience