The International Conference Media Mutations 15 - The Matter of Intellectual Property

Studying the Economic, Political and Cultural Nodes of the Contemporary Media Industries

  • Data:

    23 MAGGIO
    24 MAGGIO 2024
     dalle 14:00 alle 15:00
  • Luogo: Palazzo Marescotti (Salone Marescotti, via Barberia 4 - Bologna)

  • Tipo: DAMSLab

Organizzato da: Paola Brembilla, Marco Cucco, Christopher Meir

In collaborazione con: Media Mutations Association, DAMSLab, Department of the Arts, Master in Management del Cinema e dell’Audiovisivo (University of Bologna), Centro Dipartimentale La Soffitta, Film Studies Section and the Television Studies Section of ECREA.



The International Conference Media Mutations 15 – The Matter of Intellectual Property explores and engages with the multifaceted dimensions of intellectual properties in media industries, fostering a dialogue that analyzes both the economic and legal aspects of the concept but that also delves into the political and cultural dimensions of intellectual property management.