SIFA Early Career Development Workshop (SEeD)

La Società Italiana di Filosofia Analitica (SIFA) è lieta di annunciare il suo primo Workshop per lo Sviluppo della Carriera dei Giovani Ricercatori. Questo workshop mira a fornire formazione per gli aspiranti studenti di dottorato e i ricercatori alle prime armi.

  • Data:

    13 GIUGNO
    14 GIUGNO 2024
     dalle 9:00 alle 18:00
  • Luogo: Aula A; Aula D; Sala Rossa, Via Azzo Gardino 23, Bologna

Organizzato da: Filippo Ferrari; Sebastiano Moruzzi, Filippo Riscica; Marta Benenti; Mara Floris; Luca Zanetti
In collaborazione con: Società Italiana di Filosofia AnaliticaPartecipano
Con: Franz Berto; Corine Besson; Elke Brendel; Laura Caponetto; Massimo Dell'Utri; Daniele Molinini; Valentina Petrolini; Sebastian Speitel; Alessandro Torza; Alberto Voltolini


The Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy (SIFA) is delighted to announce its first Early Career Development Workshop. This workshop aims at providing training for (perspective) PhD students and early-career researchers.
The workshop will be held in Bologna the 13th and 14th of June 2024 and will be hosted by the Department of the Arts, University of Bologna.

The workshop is designed to offer comprehensive guidance on various aspects of career advancement during the initial and early stages of an academic career. The primary aspects of career development to be addressed during the workshop include:

● PhD Application Process: Designed to meet the diverse standards of different countries, this session will address critical elements of the PhD application process. Participants will learn to craft compelling cover letters, prepare writing samples, formulate PhD research proposals, and effectively engage with prospective supervisors, including strategies for soliciting recommendation letters.

● Grant Design and Application Process: This session will review some of the leading grant schemes across Europe tailored for early career researchers. Participants will gain insights into crafting successful grant applications, understanding the evaluation criteria, and navigating the diverse submission deadlines unique to each country.

● Navigating the Journey of Academic Publishing: In this session we will discuss how to identify suitable venues for publication, prepare your manuscript for submission, understand and manage the intricacies of the peer review process, and deal with rejections.

Each session will be led by a panel of distinguished international scholars, renowned for their extensive expertise and experience in the relevant aspects of the sessions.