Family Song (Canto de Família)

Proiezione del film e incontro con l'autrice Paula Bessa Braz

  • Data: 09 OTTOBRE 2023  dalle 11:00 alle 13:00

  • Luogo: Palazzo Marescotti (Aula Secci, via Barberia 4 - Bologna)

Family Song (Canto de Família)

Proiezione del film e incontro con l'autrice Paula Bessa Braz



Organizzato da: Paulina Sabugal
In collaborazione con: Corso di Laurea in Dams — discipline delle arti, della musica e dello spettacolo
Nel programma del Corso di Metodi di ricerca per gli Studi Culturali



A family decides to open a classical music school in their own house. Little by little, the house becomes a musical meeting place in Brazil in one of Fortaleza’s most dangerous neighbourhoods. How far will the music take them?

PAULA BESSA BRAZ is an anthropologist, filmmaker and researcher in Social Anthropology at the University of São Paulo (USP). Currently, she is doing a visiting research period at the University of Barcelona, focusing on the intersections between social development and music making, through a line research among a network of social projects that promote the so called "social action through music". "Family song" marks her debut in film direction and was conceived as an ethnographic film that has focused on the affective dimension of music making, observing its connections to emotions and family ties as well as how it paves broader notions of "social development" in vulnerable environments. In this film, the music making context is represented through senses, revealing the raw atmosphere of intimacy and the delicate daily life of a family.