Possiamo fare a meno del concetto di individuo? Workshop con il filosofo Gerald Raunig (ZHdK, Zurich) che discuterà con Yvonne Huetter (DAR) le sue tesi sul "dividuo". Conduce i lavori Sandro Mezzadra.
Data: 14 GIUGNO 2022 dalle 17:00 alle 19:00
Luogo: DAMSLab/Sala Riunioni (Piazzetta P.P. Pasolini, 5b - Bologna)
Tipo: DAMSLab
Possiamo fare a meno del concetto di individuo? Workshop con il filosofo Gerald Raunig (ZHdK, Zurich) che discuterà con Yvonne Huetter (DAR) le sue tesi sul "dividuo". Conduce i lavori Sandro Mezzadra.
Nel programma di: DAMSLab
A cura di: Yvonne Huetter-Almerigi
In collaborazione con: Sandro Mezzadra
The individual is not in best shape. Several disciplines and theoretic approaches have long bid their farewells to the concept and are trying to make sense of agency without recurring to the individual as a reference-point. But what are we loosing when letting go of the concept? Are the cultural and historical conjunctures that led to a call for dismissing the concept of the individual still in place or are we coping with other needs that call for other conceptual strategies?
Gerald Raunig (ZHdK, Zurich) and Yvonne Huetter (DAR, Unibo) will reflect on what we want our concepts to do for us and state their cases for the “dividual” and a revised version of the “individual” respectively. Chair: Sandro Mezzadra (DAR, Unibo).
Gerald Raunig is professor of philosophy in the BA of fine Arts at ZHdK in Zurich, co-founder of the eipcp (European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies) and co-editor of the multilingual publishing platform transversal texts. Latest publications: Art and Revolution. Transversal Activism in the Long Twentieth Century, 2007; A Thousand Machines, 2010; Factories of Knowledge, Industries of Creativity, 2013; DIVIDUUM. Machinic Capitalism and Molecular Revolution, Vol.1, 2016, all translated by Aileen Derieg and published by Semiotext(e)/MIT Press.
Yvonne Huetter is research fellow at the DAR in Bologna, where she has conducted the Horizon2020-MSCA-IF-2018 Project RELEVANT REALISM. Her current research focus is in conceptual engineering, where she tries to forge together insight from cultural theory and analytic philosophy of language. Latest publications: Subjectivity as a Tool - Advocating Strong Notions of Individual Subjectivity in Rorty, «Pragmatism Today», 2022-1; Two forms of Realism, «European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy», 2020, XII.