Ancient Rome as cinescape

A two-day seminar on the representation and visual function of the images of ancient Rome in silent cinema

  • Data:

    25 GIUGNO
    26 GIUGNO 2024
     dalle 17:00 alle 19:00
  • Luogo: DAMSLab/Saletta Seminari (Piazzetta P.P. Pasolini, 5b - Bologna)

Rina de Liguoro in Messalina (1923) o The Fall of an Empress (photo courtesy BFI)

Organized by: Ivo Blom, Paolo Noto, Maria Wyke
In collaboration
: AHRC-funded project Museum of Dreams: Silent Antiquity Films in the BFI National Archive (2023-26)
Aylin Atacan, Stella Dagna, Maria Assunta Pimpinelli

This two-day seminar is organized within the AHRC-funded project Museum of Dreams: Silent Antiquity Films in the BFI National Archive (2023-26), that seeks to establish a better understanding of both the modern reception of classical antiquity and the transnational history of silent cinema.
It investigates how, thanks to cinema, classical antiquity was rendered a powerfully immersive democratic dreamworld while, thanks to classical antiquity, cinema laid claim to the status of an educative art - a 'museum of dreams'. The project will produce a systematic analysis of the 70+ silent film prints in the British National Film Archive (BFI) that engage with ancient Greece and Rome.

Workshop 1 Tuesday June 25 17:00-19:00
"Reconstructing Ancient Rome"
Aylin Atacan (University College London)
Stella Dagna (Università degli Studi di Milano)

Workshop 2  Wednesday 26 June 17:00-19:00
"Situating Ancient Rome in the Modern City"
Maria Assunta Pimpinelli (Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, Rome)
Maria Wyke (University College London)