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Professors and students at work for the cultural heritage damaged by the floods in Emilia-Romagna

Landslides and flooding occurred in the Emilia-Romagna region on May 16 and 17, 2023, as a result of the heavy rain.
The destruction of the collections and spaces of the Emilia-Romagna's libraries, archives, and museums had a severe impact on the region's cultural legacy. A sudden response was made by instructors and students from the Department of Cultural Heritage and the entire community of the University of Bologna, especially at the cultural landmarks in Faenza, Lugo, Forl, and Castel Bolognese.

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Goal #18

Get more information about this Laboratory!
Students enrolled in the three-year degree programme in Cultural Heritage (Department of Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna - Ravenna Campus) will have the chance to take part in GOAL # 18, an educational laboratory, beginning in the academic year 2022–2023. This will allow students to gain a better understanding of how cultural and natural heritage can reduce both natural and man-made risks, strengthening its role as a transversal component in achieving the goals of the UN 2023 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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SIRIUS goes to school!

The SIRIUS team has designed an educational path for the pupils of the 5° classes of the Primary Schools of Ravenna!
Through co-participated lessons and games, we will learn togheter what are the risks that our cultural and natural heritage can run and what we can do to protect it!
Discover our commitment to schools!

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Find out how to communicate risks!

Which analitical tools and techniques are useful for knowing the conservation status of a monument? How do we assess the risks that may pose a threat to our assets? How can we communicate data and information in an effective and engaging way?
These are the questions that we will answer together in the Path for Transversal and Orientation Skills (PCTO) proposed by the SIRIUS team for high schools and technical institutes of the province of Ravenna!

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