Our proposals for primary and secondary schools

As a record of our past and a valuable source of values, knowledge, and traditions, Cultural Heritage is not invulnerable. It is responsibility of the Community to adopt behaviors and habits usefull to protect and preserve the cultural and natural heritage from potential damage and loss. To make this possible, the Community must be aware of the risks and participate in monitoring and protection activities.

As a result, we planned the proposal "Occhio al rischio!". Un percorso educativo per giovani cittadini", promoted as part of the PAFT (Territorial Educational Enrichment Plan) provided by the Municipality of Ravenna: a conceptual and didactic laboratory for primary school pupils, aiming to promote an approach to the theme of threatened cultural and natural heritage through both theoretical lessons and didacting games.

The main objective is to contribute to the gradual development and dissemination of a "risk culture": from the identification of risk agents to the impact on the population and the implications for Cultural Heritage, the "young citizens of tomorrow" will become an integral part of the process of creating a more participatory, resilient, and sustainable community.

Under the guidance of facilitators working in the specific sectors of civil protection and the conservation and protection of cultural and natural heritage, participants will learn to be the spokesperson among their peers and within their families, of principles of education and co-participation civic, actively contributing to the sustainable development of the Community itself.