FINAL CONFERENCE: INSCRIBE at the Roots of Writing

The conference INSCRIBE at the Roots of Writing aims to contribute to the ongoing study on this topic by gathering a group of distinguished scholars and experts on the evolution of writing, early script invention, decipherment prospects, digital humanities & AI research applied to ancient scripts. It will take place over three days, each with a different theme: The Evolution and Invention of Writing The Decipherment of Ancient Scripts: State-of-the-Art Digital Humanities and AI applied to Ancient Scripts.



                Day 1 - 11 September 2024 (Aula Magna Ruffilli, Palazzo Hercolani)

              Morning (09:00): The Evolution of Writing
              Afternoon (14:00): The Invention of Writing


                Day 2 - 12 September 2024 (Aula Magna Ruffilli, Palazzo Hercolani)

              Morning (10:00): Invention and Re-invention of Writing 
              Afternoon (14:00): The Decipherment of Ancient Scripts


                Day 3 - 13 September 2024 (Stabat Mater, Archiginnasio)

              Morning (10:00): Digital Humanities and AI Applied to Ancient Scripts
              Afternoon (14:00): Junior Scholars Session