Day 2 - 12th of September 2024

Aula Magna Ruffilli, Palazzo Hercolani (Strada Maggiore 45, Bologna)

Invention and Re-invention of Writing

Chair:  Silvia Ferrara


Paola Demattè (Rhode Island School of Design)
Chinese Writing: Origin or Origins?

Stephen Houston (Brown University)
Origin Tales: The Beginnings of Maya Writing

Coffee break at Sala Boschereccia, ground floor (11:00-11:30)

Barbara Montecchi (University of Florence)
The Origins of Writing in Bronze Age Crete and the Conundrum of Documents in Perishable Materials

Miguel Valério (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
Evidence for Morphemic Glyphs in the Rongorongo of Rapa Nui


Lunch break at Sala Boschereccia, ground floor (12:30-14:00)


The Decipherment of Ancient Scripts

Chair: Ludovica Ottaviano


Jacob L. Dahl (University of Oxford)
The Decipherment of Very Ancient Scripts from Iraq and Iran 

Zev Handel (University of Washington)
The “Contact Matrix” as a Model for Understanding Logographic Script Borrowing and a Tool for Decipherment

Nisha Yadav (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
Enigma of the Script of the Indus Valley Civilization

Coffee break at Sala Boschereccia, ground floor (15:30-16:00)


John Bennet (University of Sheffield)
“A Frivolous Digression” – Did the Decipherment of Linear B Transform the Aegean Late Bronze Age?

Enrico Benelli (Roma Tre University)
The decipherment of the Etruscan alphabet. A tale of Enlightenment thinkers and neverending misconceptions

Anna Foka (Uppsala University)
Mapping Ancient Descriptions of Space and Place: The Digital Periegesis Project

19:30 for 20:00 Conference dinner at Vicolo Colombina (invited guests only)