WORKSHOP Invention of Writing (January 2021)


INSCRIBE is proud to announce its first  Workshop


12-15 January 2021 on Zoom (GMT+1). 


NB: We are very happy that more than 900 attendees have registered. 



Writing may have arisen out of images, but not all images have become systems of writing. How did this invention take place? When does an image become a sign?

This Workshop attempts to answer these questions, following the inventions of “iconic” writing systems around the world, from Egypt to Easter Island, from the valley of the Indus to central America, from Mesopotamia to the island of Crete, and to the core of Africa.

This is the first Workshop that gathers international experts from intellectual backgrounds as diverse as palaeoanthropology, psychology, language, archaeology, cognitive evolution, semiotics and art history. It comprises four main themes, articulated into four sessions on consecutive days.





Per gli studenti: Il Workshop è propedeutico al Laboratorio di Linguistica (cod. 27928, 6 CFU sull'invenzione della scrittura, tenuto dalla Prof Silvia Ferrara e dai ricercatori di INSCRIBE, Dr Barbara Montecchi e Dr Miguel Valério, da marzo 2021.

The Workshop is tied to the MA Laboratory ( on the invention of writing, which will be taught by Silvia Ferrara and the INSCRIBE researchers, Dr Barbara Montecchi e Dr Miguel Valério, next March 2021.