Other Events

A Lesson in... Archaeology of Writing - IUSS Doctoral School (Pavia, 26/02/2024)


Lectio magistralis at the School of Advanced Studies - La Sapienza University (Rome, 14/12/2023)


Forum on Artificial Intelligence - FRAME (Camogli, 2-3/12/2023)


Colloque international "Seals, visual traditions, and material practice: early writing in comparative perspective" École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris, 24-25/11/2023)


Lecture on writing and cognition by Silvia Ferrara at the the Neurology Department of Northwestern University (Chicago, 03/11/2023)

"The History of the World in Nine Scripts" by Silvia Ferrara at Kosmopolis (Barcelona, 28/10/2023)


"The Messiest Beginning of All. How Humans Invented Writing" by Silvia Ferrara at the conference Messy Beginnings (Vienna, 18/10/2023)

"La decifrazione tra segno e disegno" by Silvia Ferrara at the Festival Filosofia (Carpi, 16/09/2023)

"Figure, simboli, numeri e parole" dialogue between Silvia Ferrara and Giorgio Vallortigara  at Festival della comunicazione (Camogli, 09/09/2023)


Book presentation of "Il Salto" by Silvia Ferrara at the University of Trieste (16/05/2023)


Seminar "Prima della scrittura. Storie di segni, disegni e salti cognitivi" presented by Silvia Ferrara at the Accademia delle Antiche Civiltà, Milan (06/05/2023)


Dialogue between the author Silvia Ferrara and Lucia Tancredi at Racconta San Severo Festival (17/03/2023)

State-of-the-art AI technology applied to the decipherment of ancient scripts presented by Silvia Ferrara at the ENCODE Conference - University of Bologna, DISCI department (26/01/2023)




Keynote Lecture: "Writing, in the Deep" by Prof Silvia Ferrara for the Workshop Anchoring the Invention of Writing in Ancient Societies at the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden (15/12/2022)


Colloquium 1822/2022 Autour de Champollion: Déchiffrements d'hier et d'aujourd’hui at the Louvre Museum 


Dialogue between author Silvia Ferrara and Francesco Dondina on the origin of signs at the Bookcity Milan (20/11/2022)



State of art on undeciphered Aegean scripts presented by Silvia Ferrara at the workshop Encoding across Languages and Technologies - University of Oslo (14/10/2022)


Meeting at the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology of Florence, featuring Silvia Ferrara on The Miracle of Writing (12/10/2022)

Book presentation The Greatest Invention at Cheltenham Literature Festival (11/10/2022)


Silvia Ferrara will present updates on writing at Ugarit and Cyprus during the International Colloquium organised by IULM University (30/09/2022)


Paolo Di Paolo e Silvia Ferrara will talk about writing systems and how words shape the way we are in the world at Switch Festival led by Paolo Gervasi.

San Giuliano Terme, 15 September 2022



Silvia Ferrara was invited to give a talk at the Festival Scarabocchi.

Novara, 18 September 2022




Silvia Ferrara is giving a talk at the Festivaletteratura, with Giorgio Manzi and Silvia Bencivelli.

Mantova, 10 September 2022



Silvia Ferrara was invited to give a talk at the Festival della comunicazione, with Stefano Allievi and Guido Barbujani.

Camogli, 9 September 2022



Silvia Ferrara partecipa alla stagione teatrale Finalmente Domenica, I Teatri, Reggio Emilia, in dialogo con Daniele Francesconi 13 marzo 2022


Silvia Ferrara was invited to give a keynote at the Festival 'I Giorni della Merla', with Loredana Lipperini and Lucia Tancredi, 29 January 2022

Silvia Ferrara presented her latest book, Il Salto, Biblioteca SalaBorsa in Bologna, 26 January 2022

Silvia Ferrara was a guest speaker at the Scuola Superiore di Studi Avanzati, Sapienza, on the celebration of its 10th birthday. 15th November 2021


@ 2:18:53


Silvia Ferrara was a guest speaker at the Festival MANIFACTURE D'IDEES at Hurigny, France, 25-29 August 2021



Michele Corazza's poster presentation at the CLIC-IT 2020 (Seventh Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, Bologna 1-3 March)

02/03/2021 - 2pm (GMT+1)


See the full programme here http://clic2020.ilc.cnr.it/it/programma-dettaglio/

Silvia Ferrara's Seminar for the ERC Project NOTAE, led by Antonella Ghignoli, Sapienza University of Rome, 05/02/2021

Silvia Ferrara's talk during the event 'I Love Scienza' (10/11/2020)

The Fondazione De Sanctis is celebrating World Science Day through an online marathon of talks and readings. Among various guest speakers, there is also Silvia Ferrara, our principal investigator.

Full programme at the link: https://www.ilovescienza.org/


Book Presentation at Caffe Letterario di Lugo (21/02/2020)


Silvia Ferrara will present the book La Grande Invenzione (Feltrinelli) at Caffe Letterario di Lugo, on Friday, February 21st, 21.00, Hotel Ala d’Oro. Introduction by Claudio Nostri.






Book Presentation in Bassano del Grappa (04/02/2020)


On the 4th February 2020, Silvia Ferrara will present her book La Grande Invenzione at Palazzo Roberti in Bassano del Grappa (VI) at 6pm, in dialogue with Marco Andreatta




Full video of the presentation:


Silvia Ferrara meets readers of La Grande Invenzione


Here is a forthcoming series of events in which Silvia Ferrara will present the book "La grande invenzione".

Presentation of Book at laFeltrinelli Librerie, Bologna (15/11/2019)

On Friday, November 15th, Silvia Ferrara will present her book, La grande invenzione: Storia del mondo in nove scritture misteriose. The event, in which Federico Condello will also participate, is to take place at 18.00h in the bookshop laFeltrinelli Librerie, at Piazza Ravegnana 1, Bologna.



La grande invenzione at the Festival della Scienza, Genova (01/11/2019)


On November 1st, Silvia Ferrara will present her new book, La grande invenzione: Storia del mondo in nove scritture misteriose, at the Festival della Scienza, in Genova. The event will take place at 17.30h in the Palazzo Ducale, Informagiovani, Piazza Matteori, 24r, Genova.

Full details at: http://www.festivalscienza.it/site/home/programma/scritture-misteriose.html

WORKSHOP:  'L'invenzione della scrittura: Prospettive cognitive e linguistiche', Aquila (09/10/2019)


Silvia Ferrara will take part in the forthcoming seminar I codici dei messaggi culturali: oralità, scrittura? (October 9th 2019, at the Dept. of Human Studies, University of L’Aquila) with the talk: “L’invenzione della scrittura: prospettive cognitive e linguistiche”.

Full details at the link: http://scienzeumane.univaq.it/uploads/tx_avvisi/locandina_seminario_9ott2019.pdf.



Professor Matilde Civitillo, Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, will be giving a lectio magistralis on the 9th May 2019, at 15.00, on the Cretan Hieroglyphic Script. The Lecture will be delivered in Italian.



Dr Miguel Valério, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, will also be giving a lectio magistralis on the 10th May 2019, at 15.00, on the Cypro-Minoan script. The Lecture will be delivered in English.