PhD students at the I-PhD College must develop research projects and interdisciplinary activities on cross-cutting themes, to be completed definitively by the end of their three-year tenure.
It's Not Rocket Science is a podcast that explores the kaleidoscopic world of the University. For those who attend, for those who are undecided, and for the curious! Created by the PhD students of the Collegio Superiore of the University of Bologna, we will discuss teaching, research, and future perspectives with those on the other side of the lectern. Let's get started!
Informative podcast featuring interviews with experts on how to tackle climate change from a multidisciplinary perspective.
Dissemination project that intertwines the wonders of Astrophysics with the vitality of Ecology.
Dissemination project on the development of organisms from a medical, linguistic, and psychological perspective.
Dissemination project on the relationship of matter and abstraction