Compiling the study plan

The study plan is the set of all the exams students must take in order to graduate.

Presentation of the study plan

Collegiates must fill in the Collegio Superiore’s study plan by connecting to Studenti Online.
The study plan must be submitted between the 10th and the 17th of October.

Modification of the study plan

To modify the study plan, Collegiates have to connect to Studenti Online during the available time frames (from the 31st of January to the 15th of February. and from the 1st of May to the 15th of May).
To obtain the permission to modify the study plan the Tutor’s approval is required, by sending an email with the institutional address, Cc’ing the Secretariat of the Collegio Superiore and specifying the required modifications and the reasons.

The email of approval from the Tutor, containing their positive opinion on the specific changes proposed to the study plan, must be forwarded to the Secretariat no later than the deadline for the study plan modification.

If someone is interested in modifying the study plan by inserting an integrated course or a lecture with limited number of participants, prior to proceeding with the modification the Collegiate must contact the Collegio Superiore‘s Secretariat in order to obtain the authorisation, which will be given until all available seats are taken, following the chronological order of requests.
Priority will be given to the Collegiates choosing the activity as mandatory credit rather than those choosing it as extra-credit.

Replacement of educational activities of the Collegio Superiore

In addition to the possibility of modifying the study plan by following the procedure described above, students are given the possibility to replace the educational activities included in the study plan with other activities, external to the curricular activities of the Collegio.

(1-Prior authorization) Anyone who intend to make use of this option must present the form (that you can download from this page), possibly 30 days before the start of the activity, signed by the applicant and by their Tutor and send it to the College Secretariat for the approval by the Director.

The number of credits to be achieved with the replacement activity must be equal to or greater than the number of credits of the training activity that is to be replaced (subsequently the number of hours will also be compared). To replace a Collegio’s course for which a graded exam is required, in addition to verifying the number of ECTS and hours of frontal teaching, it is necessary to identify a course that allows obtaining a final grade. To replace the lectures, it is necessary to identify activities at the end of which you will have to obtain a final evaluation of eligibility and not a simple confirmation of attendance.

You can replace up to a maximum of 5 ECTS per accademic year, regarding the mandatory activities in your career. 

(2-Recognition) Please remember that, at the end of the activity, in order to obtain recognition and subsequent verbalization of the activity in your career, you must send to the secretary a statement from the teacher in charge of the substitute activity, certifying the grade or the achievement eligibility, which will then be assessed by the Scientific Council.