CI si AM: Gli Alumni raccontano la loro professione | incontro con Nicola Gasparini

Nuovo appuntamento con il ciclo di incontri promosso dal Dipartimento di Chimica "Giacomo Ciamician" in collaborazione con l'Associazione Almae Matris Alumni. Guest speaker sarà l'Alumnus Nicola Gasparini Assistant Professor at Imperial College of London

  • Data: 18 MAGGIO 2023  dalle 18:00 alle 19:00

  • Luogo: Evento online

  • Tipo: Chapter

Prosegue il ciclo di eventi promossi dal Dipartimento di Chimica "Giacomo Ciamician" in collaborazione con l'Associazione AMA e il Chapter Ciamician

"Ci si AM: Gli Alumni raccontano la loro professione".

Ogni mese, a giovedì alterni, Alumni laureati in chimica, professionisti, imprenditori o ricercatori di successo racconteranno la loro esperienza e risponderanno alle domande dei partecipanti.

Al prossimo incontro  del 18 maggio (18.00-19.00 CET), parteciperà in qualità di ospite Nicola Gasparini, Assistant Professor at Imperial College London. 

L'evento si svolgerà online su Microsoft Teams. Vi aspettiamo! 

Per partecipare richiedere l'accesso alla classe di Teams dedicata al ciclo di eventi 

Lo Speaker 

Nicola Gasparini received his B.Sc. and M.Sc, in Chemistry and Organic Chemistry, and Photochemistry and Molecular Materials, respectively, from the University of Bologna, Italy. In 2014 received his PhD in 2017 and  in September 2017, he joined the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) as a postdoctoral fellow. In September 2019, he moved to the Department of Chemistry of Imperial College London as an independent researcher holding the Imperial College Research Fellowship. In early 2022, Nicola was appointed Lecturer in Chemistry (assistant professor, tenured) in the Department of Chemistry. He made major scientific contributions regarding the photophysical properties of organic semiconductors, resulting in over 100 publications. His interest lies in the fundamental and application-oriented research in lab-scale and large-area printed electronics, in particular organic and perovskite photovoltaics and photodetectors. His efforts have focused on the design of highly efficient photodiodes and on electro-optical and structural characterization techniques for probing charge generation, transport, recombination processes and morphology of these devices. His research continues on the understanding and control of the degradation and reliability of semiconducting devices under light and thermal stress. In addition, he is exploring new applications of printed electronics, particularly narrowband organic photodetectors, which have resulted in the first demonstration of high responsivity in the near-infrared region. This development is particularly interesting for biomedical applications, where cost-effective material choices remain scarce, and mechanical flexibility is required, a technological challenge for incumbent inorganic devices. 
