To respond to the incredibly challenging fight against AD and the significant shortage of young generation talents in this field, Targeting Circadian Clock Dysfunction for Alzheimer’s Disease -TClock4AD - Doctoral Network is proposed. It will provide an excellent triple-i (interdisciplinary/intersectoral/international) research and training network, which aims to face AD drug development challenges (i) by exploring the innovative idea of Targeting Circadian Clock Dysfunction and (ii) by exploiting excellent expertise and advanced technologies at leading universities, research centers, enterprises, hospitals and patient associations across EU, UK, Israel, USA, China. Through a multidisciplinary, intersectoral, international, gender and age-balanced network of 13 beneficiaries (including 2 SME) and 14 associated partners, TClock4AD will deliver double degrees to 15 innovative, creative, and entrepreneurial doctoral candidates (DCs), with triple-i skills, broad vision and effective work ethic. This will maximize their ability of converting new knowledge/ideas into products and services for the medical, social and economic benefit, and thereafter becoming the future leaders in academia, industry and the public sector, which is crucial for the EU to be at the forefront of the AD immense public health challenge.