Home institution: IMDEA – Spain (24 months)
Host institution: Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna - Italy (10 months)
PhD Enrolment #1: Universidad Complutense de Madrid – Spain
PhD Enrolment #2: Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna - Italy
Supervisor #1: Valle Palomo
Supervisor #2: Paolo Blasi
Intersectoral Secondment: Circadian Therapeutics – UK
Objectives: The Biosensors in Neuroscience Lab at IMDEA Nanoscience, is looking to appoint a Marie Curie Research Fellow within a fixed term project entitled “Design of multi-functionalized nano-drug delivery system for Alzheimer’s disease”, funded by the Horizon Europe project TClock4AD
The doctoral candidate will work for two years in Spain (IMDEA) and for 10 months in Italy (University of Bologna) and will be involved in a 2-month secondment to a UK-based company (Circadian Therapeutics).
Expected outcomes: The fellow is expected to synthesize different nanoparticles, including PLGA and lipid nanoparticles, to encapsulate drugs and conjugate different targeting moieties including peptide molecules. The candidate will be responsible for synthesizing, characterizing, and evaluating the nanoparticles. The fellow is also expected to contribute to dissemination and communication activities, besides actively collaborating within the TClock4AD network.