COPYRIGHT © Università di Bologna
  • DCs will connect with the local Pint of Science organization team to be integrated to the their scientific program https://pintofscience.com
  • DCs will take part to the EU Researcher’s Night and will manage a stand in collaboration with PhD and Post-doc fellows of respective Institutions with interactive lessons, flyers and games for children on AD drug discovery https://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/event/2021-european-researchers-night
  • Virtual and in house laboratory visits with local Alzheimer foundations will be organized (already established connections)
  • DCs and supervisors will participate to the (half) marathons dedicated to AD (e.g., https://www.maratonaalzheimer.it/it/fondazione-maratona-alzheimer/)
  • TClock4AD Open Days will be organized as stand-alone events or joint with other existing local events. Decision makers and politicians will be invited. DCs will contribute via: talks/presentations, posters, video shows, open laboratory sessions or demonstrations