DCs will connect with the local Pint of Science organization team to be integrated to the their scientific program https://pintofscience.com
DCs will take part to the EU Researcher’s Night and will manage a stand in collaboration with PhD and Post-doc fellows of respective Institutions with interactive lessons, flyers and games for children on AD drug discovery https://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/event/2021-european-researchers-night
Virtual and in house laboratory visits with local Alzheimer foundations will be organized (already established connections)
DCs and supervisors will participate to the (half) marathons dedicated to AD (e.g., https://www.maratonaalzheimer.it/it/fondazione-maratona-alzheimer/)
TClock4AD Open Days will be organized as stand-alone events or joint with other existing local events. Decision makers and politicians will be invited. DCs will contribute via: talks/presentations, posters, video shows, open laboratory sessions or demonstrations