WP2 - Chinlone Management Platform

The WP2- CHINLONE management platform aims at enhancing MM University leaders’ capacity in shaping and innovating university management and at supporting them in the drafting of programmatic documents that can guide their action. In the process of re-shaping the Myanmar Higher Education (analyzed in WP1) CHINLONE is supporting Myanmar Universities in gaining skills and tools to manage their teaching activities and academic offering.

The following deliverables will be available on this page:

2.1. MM’s partners aware of the main principles of the ‘Bologna Process’

The Conference Reforming Higher Education: A Lesson From the Bologna Process in Naypyidaw gave to Myanmar Universities the possibility to learn about:

  • The Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area;
  • The approach of the European Standards and guidelines for quality assurance;
  • Curriculum development: the design of study program & degree course;
  • Policy for quality assurance and on-going monitoring of the degree programs;

The conference was opened to both partners’ Universities and other Myanmar Universities (more than 90 participated, see attendance list in the box on the right) and was followed by a one day workshop addressed specifically to partner Universities.

See Conferences to download the materials. 

2.2. Management tools for curricula development and design

The Partner Universities developed a model for the analysis of a degree programme and its quality monitoring according to a student-centred approach tailor-made for Myanmar universities (see template in the box on the right of this page).

The template developed have been piloted to analyze the following degree programs:

  • Dagon University:

BA in Archeology 

BA in History

BA in Law

  • Yangon University of Economics:

Master of Banking & Finance (MBF)

Master of Applied Statistics (MAS)

Master of Development Studies (MDevS)

  • University of Mandalay:

BA in Oriental Studies

BA in Geography

BA in International Relations

  • University of Yangon

BA in Tourism

MA in Archeology

Postgraduate Diploma in Myanmar History and Culture

  • Yezin Agricultural University

BA Degree in Agricultural Sciences

MA Degree in Agricultural Sciences

2.3. Myanmar Partners aware of different quality assurance models in EU

During the second WP conference in Granada, Myanmar partners visited the Quality Assurance Offices of the University of Granada, enhancing their awareness about the importance of having a QA System with its own vision and mission. The University of Bologna and the Uppsala University also contributed to the discussion presenting their Quality Assurance Management Systems.

After the visit the Myanmar partners have been provided with a series of useful tools to:

  • Map and analyze student’s feedbacks through the elaboration of anonymous surveys aimed at evaluate both teaching units and teaching staff members.
  • Support instructors in their approach to the teaching activity considering the background factors and the HE context.
  • Understand the importance of the role of external stakeholders in designing degree programs and defining the University strategic planning.

See Conferences to download the materials.

 2.4. Management of University Quality Assurance

Streaming from the discussions and the activities carried out during  2.3 conference, MM Partners Universities have committed to develop their own tools to manage quality assurance.

To do so, two working groups have been established:

  • Working Group on “Student’s Quality Assurance”
  • Working Group on “Teaching Staff’s Quality Assurance“ 

The working group on “Student’s Quality Assurance" has been set to implement methodology and procedures for the delivery of the students questionnaire and for the analysis of data collected; they are drafting a protocol that describes the mode of delivery, calendar, sample size of interviewed students. Students’ questionnaire has been drafted in Burmese and English.

The working Group on “Teaching Staff’s Quality Assurance” has drafted a proposal for two pilot trainings that aim at enhancing the quality of teaching. Each Partner University had detected a number of priorities related to teaching and eventually the working group has agreed to focus on teaching methodologies and assessment of students learning outcomes (techniques and strategies. The two pilot training will be held in July. After this first phase, the working group  will engage in drafting a protocol on teaching quality assurance with a set of recommendations and measures to monitor Teaching quality in line with feedback gathered  through students’ questionnaires.

The tools elaborated by the “Teaching Staff’s Quality Assurance” are in the box on the right

2.5. Networking between EU and Myanmar Higher Education Institutions

During the fourth conference in Brussels,  Myanmar Partners had the chance to learn how their International Relation Strategies and Tools can be implemented. They were presented the strategies of two important EU universities, the University of Cologne and the Ghent University.

Later on the attendees had the opportunity to discuss on different models of International Relation strategies thanks to the session about “Internationalization of Higher Education” aimed at supporting Myanmar Universities in building up their own internationalization strategy with a defined roadmap, vision and mission.

See Conferences to download the materials

 2.6. MM Universities trained on Teaching Quality Assurance

Between 8 and 11 July 2019, the University of Yangon hosted a double training addressing issues in Teaching Quality Assurance as part of the WP2.

The first training programme’s title was “WP2 Teaching Quality Assurance - Academic Teacher Training Skills and Competences”. Among the subjects treated on 8 July, Mr. Geir Gunnlaugsson (Uppsala University) presented the participants concepts of strategic educational development practices. In particular, participants actively dealt with issues concerning the enhancement of HE teaching staff’s competence, with particular reference to the identification of their purposes, approaches, and strategies to obtain a long-term impact. On 9 and 10 July, Mr Gunnlaugsson introduced topics related to the activating of teaching and learning activities, with particular reference to the teacher’s communicative competences presentation and lecturing skills and the enhancement of active student participation. On the last day, 11 July, the participants were asked to ‘look forward’ by reflecting on the possible re-alignment of their teaching and learning activities with possible cross-disciplinary options and collaboration opportunities.

On the same dates, the University of Yangon hosted the training programme entitled “WP2 Teaching Quality Assurance Assessment Methods”, coordinated by Alessandra Rosa and Andrea Ciani (University of Bologna). Whereas 8 July was completely dedicated to docimology, the theory and practice of assessing the students’ performances, on 9 July the participants had the chance to actively work on issues related to assessment tests, especially on their methodological characteristics and on the indication for planning, construction, and analysis. Problems in formative assessment, such as assessment strategies for learning and quality teaching, were addressed on 10 July and concluded on 11 July, when the participants under the guidance of Rosa and Ciani, divided into work groups, dealt with and discussed the topic of authentic assessment.

At the end of this proactive experience, all the participants were awarded an attendance certificate. 

If you are interested in the presentations and materials used during the two training programmes, have a look at the box on the right!

2.7. WP outcomes share with the Rectors of MM’s central and regional HEIs

The results of WP 2 have been presented during the meeting of July 12 in Yangon.

See Conferences for further details.