The overreaching goal of this WP is to maximize the spread and dissemination of the project’s results both within and beyond Myanmar, while building a lasting bridge between the country’s HEIs and the local civil society. As a consequence, a series of multidimensional activities will be undertaken throughout the whole project’s timeline in cooperation with the local partners and Myanmar’s national institutions, which will be fully involved in the efforts to propagate and promote the most relevant achievements of CHINLONE Project.
Following the outcomes reached:
5.1. Project’s website and social network profile
Since the beginning of the project, the CHINLONE’s website has been drafted, published and constantly updated as well as the project’s social networks profiles, in order to spread and promote all the activities involved.
To maximize the spread of the activities carried out by the Project Consortium, promotional materials have been created and distributed.
Please download CHINLONE promotional materials in the box on the right.
5.2. New institutional promotional Materials for MM Universities
CHINLONE Local Teams and Myanmar partner Universities are working to design and provide timely and efficient promotional material, as the primary step towards the framing of updated marketing strategies for local HEIs.
These kinds of tools, in fact, represent a basic yet pressing need for the vast majority of MM’s universities, which have to retrieve the mindset and ability to present themselves both locally and internationally.
The brochures and promotional materials realized by the project team have been presented, evaluated, and tested during the WP2 Conference in Brussels. After this validation, the brochures have now been printed and distributed at international level and local level in Myanmar’s HEI, schools and cultural institutions.
Please download CHINLONE Myanmar Universities promotional materials in the box on the right.
5.3 - 5.4. Improvement of Universities’ websites and creation of new courses webpages
The Chinlone Consortium and the Myanmar Partner Universities worked on the restructuration and improvement of the Universities websites. The website of each University was upgraded through a definition plan, aiming to enhance the fruition in terms of transparency and accessibility for online users. Partner Universities websites reached a comprehensive good quality, are now easily accessible and offer useful information both in Burmese and English. The digital platforms appear aesthetically more pleasing and present an intuitive usage.
Please download the websites improvements plans in the box on the right.
5.5 - 5.6. Organization of Universities and IROs’ Open Days
The planned activities were Universities and the new International Relations Offices Open Days, organized for the first semester of 2020, with the aim to involve civil society and disseminate the results achieved through the Chinlone project. Due to the particular situation, initially because of the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, followed by the political disorders who invested the country, the activities unfortunately could not be carried out.