
CHINLONE is a structural project aimed at fostering the modernization and internationalization of Myanmar Higher Education System, which is undergoing a profound restructuring mirroring the country’s transition towards democracy. The long-term goal of the project is to provide a valuable contribution to Myanmar’s evolution towards a ‘knowledge economy’.

This project results from the needs and exigencies of the three key target groups (academic leaders, teaching, and administrative staff) having been collected and examined during a series of baseline studies (WP1). As output of this analysis, three specific PLATFORMS of actions have been tailor-made to improve the target group skills in academic governance (MANAGEMENT PLATFORM - WP2), degree courses designing and monitoring (EDUCATION PLATFORM - WP3), and international relations management (INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS PLATFORM - WP4).


This platform of activities has been designed to target Myanmar’s academic leaders (rectors, deans, and heads of departments) for an extensive programme of trainings on the main principles regulating academic governance by bringing on the table the experience of the  ‘Bologna process’. This allowed them to draft revised and updated tool for managing curriculum and quality assurance, which will be further promoted in the country through spillover activities and cascade trainings.


Three distinct task forces in the fields of humanities and cultural heritage, economics of tourism, and agricultural sciences composed by Myanmar's faculty members will be formed. The task forces’ members will travel extensively to Europe in order to improve their skills in curriculum designing, innovative teaching methods, and quality assurance processes with a student-centred approach.


In order to foster a more international outlook in Myanmar’s universities, the CHINLONE Project put extensive effort in reorganizing and empowering Myanmar International Relations Offices (IROs). The activities aimed at fulfilling this task will allow participants to familiarize with different models of IR management, including the articulation of exchange programmes and the formulation of feasibility plans and mission statements for the establishment of IR offices.

Since dissemination, exploitation, and sustainability strategies are issues of great relevance in the CHINLONE Project, CHINLONE includes a wide-ranging campaign designed to maximize the spread of its outcomes and results on a nationwide and international level, spanning from the creation and the regular updating of CHINLONE’s website and social networks’ profiles to the introduction of innovative promotional materials for Myanmar universities, the improvement of their own websites, and participation to international conferences to share CHINLONE methodology to all interested stakeholders.