Incontro con il President e CEO dell’IEEE

Interviene Thomas Coughlin, PhD, Eng.

  • Data: 16 DICEMBRE 2024  dalle 10:00 alle 12:00

  • Luogo: Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istiuto di Bologna - Evento in presenza e online

  • Tipo: Convegno



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Prof. Carlo Alberto Nucci, Accademia delle Scienze dell’Istituto di Bologna, Università di Bologna



IEEE: Technology for the Benefit of Humanity, Thomas Coughlin

Modera: Prof. Cecilia Metra, 2025-2026 IEEE Director Division VIII, Università di Bologna

Abstract: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the world’s

largest technical professional organization and it has members involved in almost every

technological discipline. In this talk I will discuss the IEEE, it’s activities and the various

organizational units that carry on these activities. I will also talk about the initiatives that

we have been pursuing this year to increase our retention of younger members and our

engagement in industry, where most of them work. In addition, we have taken steps to

increase our outreach to the broader public, make investments in new products and

services, create more efficient and effective continuing education to support technical

careers and align IEEE activities to achieve our mission of advancing technology for the

benefit of humanity.

Short Bio: Tom Coughlin, President, Coughlin Associates is a digital storage analyst and

business/ technology consultant. He has over 40 years in the data storage industry with

engineering and senior management positions. Coughlin Associates consults, publishes

books and market and technology reports and puts on digital storage and memory-

oriented events. He is a regular contributor for and M&E organization

websites. He is an IEEE Fellow, 2024 IEEE President, Past-President IEEE-USA, Past

Director IEEE Region 6 and Past Chair Santa Clara Valley IEEE Section, and is also

active with SNIA and SMPTE. For more information on Tom Coughlin go to