"RELOAD - RivELatOri innovativi per cure ADroterapiche"
Funding: CAARIPLO-CDP - ERC Rafforzamento - Supporto ai giovani talenti italiani nelle competizioni dell’European Research Council
PI: Laura Basiricò
Duration: 2024-2025
AlmaValue - PoC. "TECH-OECT: Piattaforma elettronica sensorizzata per test diagnostici in-vitro di sieroneutralizzazione e sviluppo di vaccini"
Funding: Unibo-KTO
PI: Beatrice Fraboni
Duration: 2024-2025
"SensIdrogen - Sviluppo di Sensori innovativi per il monitoraggio di perdite di Idrogeno in siti di produzione, stoccaggio e utilizzo."
Funding: PR-FESR EMILIA ROMAGNA 2021-2027
Duration: 2024-2026
“WEAR-ME! Wound hEAling Real time monitoring Multisensing Electronics”
Funding: ASI
Duration: 2023-2025
"IRIS - Large area, wearable Ionizing Radiation dosimeters for real-tIme crew perSonal monitoring"
Funding : ASI
PI: B.Fraboni
Duration: 2022-2025
"flexiBlE hYbrid neutrON Detectors" (BEYOND)
Funding: INFN CSN5
INFN - Grant Young Researcher
Duration: 2023-2024
PI: Ilaria Fratelli
"hAdroN bEam MONitoring by pErovskite based detectors" (ANEMONE)
Fundings: INFN CSN5
Partners: INFN Bologna section; INFN Firenze section; INFN-National South Laboratories
Duration: 2022-2023
‘Single-Entity NanoElectrochemistry’ (SENTINEL)
Partners: 10 (Universities, Research Centers, Industries and SMEs) coordinated by the University of Leeds (UK)
Funding: EU - H2020 Marie Curie ITN
Duration: 2019-2023
Light and Organic Nanotechnology for Cardiovascular Disease (LION-HEARTED)
LION-HEARTED will demonstrate a novel therapeutic approach to address Cardiovascular Disease. Optical excitation and organic nanotechnology will be exploited to modulate regeneration of main cardiovascular cell types. Optical excitation will provide unprecedented spatio-temporal resolution, lower invasiveness, and higher selectivity in respect to traditional electrical and pharmaceutical control methods. Organic semiconductors will act as efficient, highly biocompatible phototransducers, able to trigger biological pathways relevant to cardiac repair, with a minimally invasive and gene-less approach. The semiconductor physics group contributes to the LIONHEARTED project by developing novel tools for the characterization of optoelectronic semiconductor/tissue interfaces.
Partners: IIT (Milano, Italy), JKU (Linz, Austria), Charite (Berlin, Germany), LMU (Munich, Germany), Polymat (San Sebastian, Spain), Humanitas (Italy)
Funding: FET-OPEN, Horizon 2020
Duration: 2019-2023
Flexible organic Ionizing Radiation dEtectors (FIRE)
Partners: INFN-Bologna, INFN-TIFPA, INFN-Roma3, INFN-Napoli
Funding: INFN gruppo V
Duration: 2019-2022
"Novel smart and sustainable textiles for creative made-in-Italy design" (TEX-STYLE)
Partners: 11 (Universities, Research Centers, Industries and SMEs) coordinated by Centro Ricerche FIAT
Funding: PON-MIUR
Duration: 2018-2022
“Flexible, large-area patches for real-time detection of ionizing radiation, FORTRESS”
The FORTRESS research activity is focused on the development of ionizing radiation detectors based on perovskite thin films for applications in real-time control and risk reduction associated with medical diagnostics and radiotherapy treatments.
Partners: INFN-TTLab, LABORATORIO DI MICRO E SUBMICRO TECNOLOGIE ABILITANTI DELL'EMILIA ROMAGNA MIST E-R s.c.r.l., Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale di Reggio Emilia, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca Industriale Meccanica Avanzata e Materiali - CIRI MAM
Funding:Regione Emilia-Romagna
Duration: 2019 - 2020
Proof of Concept: Radiation Sensitive Oxide Field Effect Transistors (POC-ROXFET)
The project targets innovative radiation dosimeters featuring low-cost, low-power consuming and robust wearable properties. The innovation is achieved by exploiting novel oxide thin film technology that enables flexible radiation sensitive transistors fabricated on thin flexible foils. Defined outcomes of the project regard nuclear contamination sensors and passive RFID based X-ray sensor tags both at technology readiness level (TRL) 6.
Funding: Venture Factory 2018 Proof of Concept Program, UNIBO
Duration: 2019-2020
ELectro-Optical FLEXible detectors for mixed radiation fields (ELOFLEX)
Partners: INFN-Bologna, TIFPA
Funding: INFN gruppo V
Duration: 2018
EcoPackLab aims to create a sustainable and innovative packaging system for quality improvement of packed food during its storage.
Partners: University of Bologna, ILAPAK S.p.A.; Barilla G. e R. S.p.A.; GIMA S.p.A.
Funding: POR-FESR 2014-2020 Emilia Romagna
Duration: 2016-2018
Enabling materials and technologies for stretchable electronic devices with applications in vascular treatments (Matrics)
Partners: Politecnico di Milano, Medtronic, Flex
Funding: Regione Lombardia - INSTM
Duration: 2016-2018
Exploring the limits of conducting polymer microactuators
Electroswelling of conducting polymer composites deposited on micro- and nanoelectrodes is investigated.
Partners: UAB Barcelona
Funding: Horizon 2020 - NFFA Europe
Duration: 2017
Integrated flexible photonic sensor system (iFLEXIS)
The target of i-FLEXIS is the development of an innovative, reliable and low-cost integrated X-ray sensor system based on heterogeneous inorganic, organic and hybrid components.
Partners: University of Trieste (Italy), University of Lissabon (Portugal), Tagsys Rfid (France), Eurorad (France), Bioage (Italy), University of Cagliari (Italy), CEA (France), Nanograde (Switzerland)
Funding: European Community Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n. 611070.
Duration: 2014-2016
The video explains the basic objectives of the iFlexis Project