
A Walk in the Hills of Bologna and Traditional Dinner

We enjoyed the great landscape of the Appennino and the traditional food on this weekday evening. It was a great opportunity too meet also with the other researchers doing Condensed Matter Physics at UNIBO.

Greetings from San Francisco! We attended the Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2023. Our group was well represented with 7 oral presentations, 2 of which awarded as Outanding Talks. Ofter work we enjoyed a fabolous Thai restaurant!


No, it is not the picture of a black hole! It shows an ordinary microelectrode.  But it is Giacomo and Luca's first image obtained with their photo-electrochemical current microscopy setup. Stay tuned for upcomming high-resolution images!

Farewell party for Maria! We wish her all the best with the Chemists! We miss you already! 


Fancy pictures from a fancy experiment: KPFM surface photovoltage measurements with green light.

Ferdinand gives his farewell party ! It was a great time and thanks for the real crepes!

We finally make it: out in-vitro microelectrode recording and stimulation (MEA) is working!!! These pictures are from the first functional test with Isabella, Filippo and Laura.

When two entities meet ... big accomplishments for Federico in September: Getting married and joining a microparticle to an AFM cantilever. Congratulations !!!!!!!

Finally an Aperitivo!!! We celebrate being back at work after the Lockdown! (September2020)

Greetings from Boston! We attended the Materials Research Society Meeting. It is the biggest meeting in Material Sciences with over 6000 participants. Our group was well represented with 6 oral presentations. Ofter work we enjoyed the local lobster.

Welcome to our four new PhD-students in Material Physics!

Group Picture

Group Picture with kids! Taken during our autumnal barbecue and walk in the medival village La Scola hidden in the Appenine Mountains. 

Semiconductor Physics Mountaineering: Ciavatti & Cramer on top of Monte Civetta (3200 m), Dolomites

Happy birthday Francesco! 

We know where to get the best ice-cream:

Fancy buckling pattern on a stretchable implantable electrode seen with the optical microscope