Archivio progetti

Il centro Europe Direct Punto Europa è da sempre impegnato nel coordinamento di iniziative e di progetti europei volti alla promozione dell’integrazione europea a livello locale e non solo. In questa sezione troverete una descrizione dei progetti europei e non solo che hanno coinvolto il Punto Europa di Forlì.

Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence "The European Union in World Politics: What Power? What Leadership? A Multidisciplinary Approach"

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Modulo Jean Monnet “The European Union Immigration Law”

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Lifelong EU. Education towards European Citizenship

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European Model: past, present and future. Interpretations, challenges, sustainability.

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Jean Monnet Chair “The European Communities and Migration: an Historical Perspectives”

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Jean Monnet Module "The European Integration Process and the transatlantic relationship”

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Ad personam Jean Monnet Chair “The European Communities and the world: an Historical Perspectives”

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EU@School. Education towards European Citizenship

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From Memory to Europe! (Me2EU)

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Inclusion and outstanding: the complex role of EU in the world

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Let's speak up! for improving our democratic vision

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Jean Monnet Chair “History of European Integration”

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Progetto di Sostegno al sistema educativo nei campi sahrawi e alla conservazione della memoria storica e culturale Sahrawi

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Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “Rule of law and fundamental rights: the EU model”

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Europe, a Civilian Power

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Towards a security community for the Mediterranean. A feasibility study for an intercultural text book

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I bambini d’Europa

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Exchanging our EVS experience

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European Cosmopolitanism and Sites of Memory through Generations (ECoSMeG)

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Teach&Learn. Education towards European Citizenship

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Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “Rule of law and fundamental rights: the EU model”

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Punto Europa | Centro de Excelencia Jean Monnet

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