Il centro Europe Direct Punto Europa è da sempre impegnato nel coordinamento di iniziative e di progetti europei volti alla promozione dell’integrazione europea a livello locale e non solo. In questa sezione troverete una descrizione dei progetti europei e non solo che hanno coinvolto il Punto Europa di Forlì.
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence "The European Union in World Politics: What Power? What Leadership? A Multidisciplinary Approach"
Scientific Coordinator: Giuliana Laschi.
Scientific Committee: Francesca Fauri (University of Bologna - Italy); Giulio Ecchia (University of Bologna - Italy); Marco Balboni (University of Bologna - Italy); Marco Borraccetti (University of Bologna - Italy); Sonia Lucarelli (University of Bologna - Italy); Paolo Zurla (University of Bologna - Italy); Mauro Maggiorani (University of Bologna - Italy); Carlos Eduardo Pacheco Amaral (University of Azores - Portugal); George Contogeorgis (University of Athens - Greece); Maria Manuela Tavares Ribeiro (University of Coimbra - Portugal); Alexis Vahlas (University of Strasbourg - France); Raphaela Averkorn (University of Siegen - Germany); Ana Maria Rabelo Gomes (University of Minas Gerais - Brasil); Alexandre Mendes Cunha (University of Minas Gerais - Brasil); Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak (University of Minas Gerais - Brasil).
Summary: This project is directed to the study of patterns concerning the European Power in relation to the rest of the world. The topic will be addressed through five subthemes closely interrelated: migration, security, development cooperation, social economy and human rights. If the literature deals with each of these themes separately, the aim here is to understand them in their interrelations and by adopting a truly interdisciplinary (law, history, economy and political science) perspective. This will guaranty a constructive dialogue and will foster a significant cross fertilisation with international project partners such as Azores, Germany, Greece, Portugal, France and Brazil.
This research is particularly important and timely for several reasons. The EU is widely appreciated for its specific international stance (as a sort of civilian power of a new sort), but few consider it to be a world leader. An exploration of the reason of this and the comparison between strengths and weaknesses will therefore be undertaken. In addition, the project explores the possible internal impact of the EU’s external stance: as well as the interaction with the external environment can be considered as a gradual result of the integration process
The general aim of the project is to show how and why the EU has come to assume the status of a global power, and to what extent this status affects the international context. The activities foreseen include research, teaching and the organisation of several events and outputs. Given the high importance of the theme of research, an impact in the international academic community and in the local civil society is envisaged. The meetings of general monitoring of the ED Scientific Committee, the percentage of conference’s lecturers going on with the research activity, the attendance forms and the questionnaires for the general public and the number of visitors of the website will constitute the main indicators of achievement.
Dates and duration: 1/9/2014-31/8/2017
Financing: European Union. Programme: Erasmus + - Jean Monnet
Modulo Jean Monnet “The European Union Immigration Law”
Scientific Coordinator: Marco Borraccetti.
Summary: This project will provide students and people interested in the field with the opportunity to dwell on the study of the European Law on the Migration taking into consideration also the difference with the freedom of movement of the EU citizens, the different system inside the EU, the dispute on the possibility to grant the national citizenship of a Member State to those people who are born on its territory and whose parents are nationals of a third country and the intricacy of its standing in a complex and interdependent world.
However, rather than offering an overall picture, the goal is to focus on the measures governing the entrance and the refusal of entry of the non-EU citizens and their compatibility with the respect of fundamental rights. Particular attention will be placed on the international agreements concluded by the EU and/or the Member States with third countries.
The history of the Union competences on immigration is convoluted; based on intergovernmental basis, over the years the immigration policy has assumed greater importance, until the ordinary legislative procedure with the Treaty of Lisbon.
The immigration policy is a very sensitive issue for the Member States and influences many areas from economic to security, where the latter seems to prevail.
The in-depth analysis of the evolution of the different aspects caracterising this type of policy will serve as an important tool to understand the future development of the EU and its integration, also in the name of a “European identity”.
The aim is to conduct research and disseminate knowledge through teaching activities,organization of events (conferences, seminars), a website, publications, which will enhance the general awareness on the topic both in the academic context and among civil society.
Given the contentious and overlapping issues that will be debated, the impact envisaged is likely to be high and broad, reaching out to a wide range of interlocutors at different level of specialization.
Dates and duration: 1/9/2012-31/8/2015
Financing: European Union. Programme: Lifelong Learning - Jean Monnet
Lifelong EU. Education towards European Citizenship
Scientific Coordinator Giuliana Laschi.
Scientific Committee and partner: Francesca Fauri (University of Bologna - Italy); Giulio Ecchia (University of Bologna - Italy); Marco Borraccetti (University of Bologna - Italy); Sonia Lucarelli (University of Bologna - Italy); Paolo Zurla (University of Bologna - Italy); Mauro Maggiorani (University of Bologna - Italy); Marco Fossati (School teacher and Instructor of orientation, mobility and personal autonomy ); Camilla Laschi (Musician and architect); Enrico Lombardi (School teacher, painter and writer); Maria Rita Fedrizzi (Historian of cinema); Fabio Casini (Manager od Europe Direct Forlì), Carla Cavallini (Manager of Europe Direct Reggio Emilia), Andrea Poluzzi (Europe Direct Reggio Emilia), Stefania Fenati (Manager of Europe Direct Bologna).
Summary: The study of the European integration process in schools is mostly underestimated, when not totally absent. The main aims of this project are to raise awareness of European citizenship among young generations and to improve also the ability of school teachers to explain the EU. These goals will be reached through a series of meetings in schools and a training course addressed to teachers.
Meetings in schools (see F.3.3) will be managed by young trainers, selected among MA students of the Faculty of Political Science “Roberto Ruffilli” of Forlì (constantly top-ranked, especially for its assets in the internationalisation field ), Erasmus students and EVS volunteers in the Emilia-Romagna region. Their solid education in European Studies will be integrated with an ad hoc training course (see F.3.2). The project foresees about 150 meetings in schools in order to have a direct impact at least on 2000-3000 students. The Europe Day (see F.3.5) will be the occasion to test the results of the work done, through an educational and recreational path that will involve about 300 students from primary, middle and high schools.
The training course (see F.3.4) will involve 60 teachers (from primary, middle and high schools and selected through a regional call supported by the Emilia-Romagna Region) and will deal with the history of the EU and its institutions and on more specific topics. A new model of teaching the EU will be offered: ateliers will explain the EU and its cultural identity (cinema, music, art), making so the EU more attractive for young people. During the whole project teachers will be constantly supported through the website and e-learning activities (see F.4.1).
At the end of the project a conference (see F.3.6) will be organised to discuss with the civil society how to teach the EU in schools and to exchange good practices developed by teachers.
Finally an e-book (see F.4.2) will be produced and it will be an innovative and useful didactic tool for teachers.
Dates and duration: 1/9/2013-31/8/2014
Financing: European Union. Programme: Lifelong Learning - Jean Monnet
European Model: past, present and future. Interpretations, challenges, sustainability.
Scientific Coordinator Giuliana Laschi.
Scientific Committee: Francesca Fauri (University of Bologna - Italy); Giulio Ecchia (University of Bologna - Italy); Marco Balboni (University of Bologna - Italy); Marco Borraccetti (University of Bologna - Italy); Sonia Lucarelli (University of Bologna - Italy); Paolo Zurla (University of Bologna - Italy); Mauro Maggiorani (University of Bologna - Italy); Carlos Eduardo Pacheco Amaral (University of Azores - Portugal); Cristina Blanco Sio Lopez (Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance Européenne - CVCE).
Summary: This project aims at investigating, from a multidisciplinary and diachronic perspective, the origins and evolutions of the “European model” in the international system and offer a critical review of its past and more recent successes and shortcomings.
Methodologically, the project encompasses both academic research – that will be conducted in a plurality of different archives- and the development of a multi-disciplinary dialogue opened to the public, and the civil society. Scientifically, research groups will coordinate their work through a web platform and regular meetings; PhD students and professionals (most of them unaware of the opportunities granted by the Jean Monnet programme) will be invited to participate in order to enrich the dialogue with original ideas and insight. Different perspectives will integrate in open seminars, meetings, conferences and the research output will be an invaluable source for the teaching courses of European integration history taught by the members involved in this project. The academic community will be positively impacted by the dissemination of the work’s results in terms of enhanced knowledge and deeper reflection. The inclusion of the civil society and other institutions in the debate over the topic is also a peculiar feature of the project, that will be granted by the project management of the Europe Direct Centre Punto Europa Forlì and its Scientific Committee. Citizens’ and non-University students will be provided with useful tools of knowledge to understand and interpret the current state of crisis of the European Union aside the common media-information. Finally, the collaboration with the Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe offers the unique opportunity to link the Italian academic world, the local civil society of Forlì and the European dimension in an original triangular way.
Dates and duration: 1/9/2013-31/8/2014
Financing: European Union. Programme: Lifelong Learning - Jean Monnet
Jean Monnet Chair “The European Communities and Migration: an Historical Perspectives”
Scientific Coordinator Francesca Fauri
Summary: In line with the research and teaching activities carried out at the University of Bologna as holder of a JM chair, this project will enable Prof. Fauri to spread knowledge on EU migration and immigration history both locally and internationally.The activities foreseen in the three years include research, teaching and the organisation of several events (conferences, seminars, study visits, training courses) and outputs (website, book, DVD, brochures) aimed at enhancing knowledge on EU migration history (outgoing and incoming) in the academic context and among civil society.Research will focus on the history of migration within the EU countries, but also on the history of the immigration movements and the role of the second generation of immigrants in European societies. Through the chair, an historical investigation will be carried out in this direction, involving at different levels and stages, BA, MA, Phd students and several internationally renown professors.This action aims at spreading knowledge about EU migration and immigration movements, their role and economic effects on European countries and the challenges Europe will have to confront with in the future. The issues will be analysed both at academic and civil society level, offering an interdisciplinary approach. Moreover given the importance of the theme of research, an impact on the international academic community is envisaged.
Dates and duration: 1/9/2011-31/8/2014
Financing: European Union. Programme: Lifelong Learning - Jean Monnet
Scientific Coordinator Giuliana Laschi.
ScientificCommittee: Mario del Pero (University of Bologna), Alessandra Bitumi (University of Bologna).
Summary: This project is intended to provide students and people interested in the field with the opportunity to dwell on the study of the European integration history taking into consideration not only the internal dimension of the EC/EU but also the intricacy of its external standing in a complex and interdependent world. However, rather than offering an overall picture, the goal is to focus on the “special relationship” with the US. The dilemma of the transatlantic connection has been a key issue in the pursuit of a distinct international dimension for the EC, that has conditioned the development of its external relations as well as its internal debate on the specificity of a “European identity”. Through the in-depth analysis of the evolution of such a relation, one can both tell the story of the pivotal Atlantic alliance as well as retrace the expanding perimeters of the external dimension of the EU.Over a span of three years, the aim is to conduct research and disseminate knowledge through teaching activities, organization of events (conferences, seminars), a website and publications, which will enhance the general awareness on the topic both in the academic context and among civil society.The teaching module will be held by PhD Alessandra Bitumi and it will improve European courses for bachelor students.Given the contentious and overlapping issues that will be debated, the impact envisaged is likely to be high and broad, reaching out to a wide range of interlocutors at different level of specialization.
Dates and duration: 1/9/2011-31/8/2014
Financing: European Union. Programme: Lifelong Learning - Jean Monnet
Scientific Coordinator Giuliana Laschi.
Partner: Sonja Bjeletic (Faculty of Administrative and European Studies, Podgorica - Montenegro).
Summary: In line with the research and teaching activities carried out in the framework of the Jean Monnet chair (2005-2010), Prof. Laschi has delivered evidence of a high level international teaching (EU and extra-EU), in publication records and organising several reflection activities targeting academic context, students and civil society. Being the president of the Scientific Committee of the Europe Direct Punto Europa Forlì, she will continue on exploit her role for implementing a large number of information and awareness activities and event. The JM chair Ad personam will let her pursue the mission of spreading knowledge on EU integration in particular in the Forli Campus, and more in general a wider at national and international context. The activities foreseen in the three years include research, teaching and the organisation of several events (conferences, seminars, simulation activities, study visits, training courses) and outputs (website, book, DVD, brochures) aimed at enhance knowledge on EU studies in the academic context and among civil society.Research will focus on the history of external relation. Historiography studies are at a starting point even if external relations are at the centre of debating in political studies since the last decade. Through the chair, an historical investigation will be carried out in this direction, involving at different levels and stages, BA, MA, Phd students and several high values professors in a dynamic international framework. This action aims at spreading knowledge about EU integration both at academic and civil society level. Moreover the high importance of the theme of research, an impact in the international academic community is envisaged
Dates and duration: 1/9/2010-31/8/2013
Financing: European Union. Programme: Lifelong Learning - Jean Monnet
Scientific Coordinator Giuliana Laschi.
ScientificCommittee and partner: Francesca Fauri (University of Bologna - Italy); Marco Balboni (University of Bologna - Italy); Marco Borraccetti (University of Bologna - Italy); Sonia Lucarelli (University of Bologna - Italy); Paolo Zurla (University of Bologna - Italy); Mauro Maggiorani (University of Bologna - Italy); Salvatore Aloisio (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia – Italy); Marco Gestri (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia – Italy); Marco Fossati (School teacher and Instructor of orientation, mobility and personal autonomy ); Fabio Casini (Manager of Europe Direct Forlì), Elisabetta Olivastri (Europe Direct Modena); Rita Ricci (Manager of Europe Direct Ravenna); Carla Cavallini (Manager of Europe Direct Reggio Emilia), Stefania Fenati (Manager of Europe Direct Bologna); Comune di Forlì, Provincia di Forlì-Cesena, Comune di Faenza.
Summary: The study of the European integration process in high schools is mostly underestimated, when not totally absent. Given the growing demand of cooperation with this University, Professor Laschi started the Punto Europa program with schools ten years ago. The goal of the Punto Europa’s action in the schools, as well as this project’s, is to contribute to enhancing the awareness of being European citizens among young generations, through a series of activities and meetings (see F.3.3-7). The most innovative aspect of the project lies in the fact that the meetings will be managed by young trainers, duly selected among MA students of the Faculty of Political Science “Roberto Ruffilli” of Forlì (constantly top-ranked, especially for its assets in the field of internationalization). Their sound education will be integrated with an initial ad-hoc training course (see F.3.2). The project foresees about 100-150 meetings within schools (see F.3.3), taking place mostly in the regional area in order to have a direct impact at least on 2.000-3.000 students. The Europe Day, taking place in Forlì on 9th May 2012 (see F.3.5), is the occasion to test the results of the work done, through an educational as well as recreational path that will address about 300 students of primary, middle and high schools. We also foresee the creation of an innovative web platform (see F.3.2) with didactic materials, learning projects, best practice exchanges, with a possibility of an interaction between school teachers and University professors. Furthermore a very innovative product will be a smartphone app with didactic contents and quizzies on EU (see F.3.3). On the website of the ED Forlì (see F.3.1), space will be devoted to the project and the dissemination of project products, whose visibility will also be granted by other web sites of the regional Europe directs.
Dates and duration: 1/9/2012-31/8/2013
Financing: European Union. Programme: Lifelong Learning - Jean Monnet
Scientific Coordinator Giuliana Laschi.
Scientific Committee and partner: Ariane Landuyt (University of Siena - Italy); Carlos Eduardo Pacheco Amaral (University of Azores – Portugal); Maria Manuela Tavares Ribeiro (University of Coimbra – Portugal); IoanHorga (University of Oradea - Romania); Paul Allies (University of Montpellier I – France); Denis Rolland (University of Strasbourg – France); George Contogeorgis (Pantheion University, Athens – Greece); Stefan Bielanski (Jagiellonian University, Krakow – Poland); Comune di Forlì (Italy); Centre of Assistance for Nongovernmental Organizations – CENTRAS (Bucharest – Romania); Association for Political Science Students of the University of Bucharest (Bucharest – Romania);
Summary: Our project was based on the belief that European values and principles must be cultivated since youth, because in this way young generations become aware of the fact that in EU citizens can influence the political decision in order to keep peace as a shared gift. Our experience in schools and university shows that memory is at risk.The action scheduled 5 main commemoration and reflection activities developed from Oct.2010 till Sept 2011:
A workshop for university students and school teachers: a workshop on the process of EU integration departing from the awareness of the full dimensions and tragic consequences of the 2WW, was held on 10th – 11th December 2010 for a group of 41 EU university students and 21 school teachers. Several high value professors of EU studies from all over EU Universities taught the “student teachers” how to transmit their knowledge to the new generations. Focusing in Nazism and Stalinism and other European examples of authoritarism and massive deportation or persecutions, the workshop represented a significant moment of reflection and debate.
88 interactive seminars in schools held by student teachers from Dec. 2010 till May 2011 (62 in Forlì-Cesena-Faenza, 26 inBucarest). Each seminar lasted 2 hours. The student teachers provided the students with useful materials on the theme.
A competition on the theme “Me2EU - From memory to Europe”: a public competition has been launched for the schools of the Province of Forlì-Cesena, Bucharest and all schools linked to them through the Comenius network.Young people 12-18 were invited to produce an article or a multimedia product/video in which they will interview the witness on the theme of “Nazifascism, Shoah and genocide: your memories of the past”. The students had to collect memories of victims, perpetrators, bystanders, rescuers, preserving memories in an intergenerational dialogue of awareness and reconciliation. Better works have been collected on the DVD and on the Website.
A commemorative event: the Day of Memory 01/27, was organized and celebrated on 26th - 28th January by ED Forlì in collaboration with several local and international authorities and scholars, with special events in memory of the victims of the Holocaust.
The Europe Day 05/09 was organized by ED Forlì. Awareness event with the participation of schools and local authorities, open to civil society. Achieved results of the school competition will be illustrated and debated.
Dates and duration: 1/10/2010-30/9/2011
Financing: European Union. Programme: Europe for Citizens – Active Remembrance
Inclusion and outstanding: the complex role of EU in the world
Scientific Coordinator Giuliana Laschi.
Scientific Committee and partner: Francesca Fauri (University of Bologna - Italy); Marco Balboni (University of Bologna - Italy); Marco Borraccetti (University of Bologna - Italy); Sonia Lucarelli (University of Bologna - Italy); Paolo Zurla (University of Bologna - Italy); Mauro Maggiorani (University of Bologna - Italy); Ariane Landuyt (University of Siena - Italy); Stefano Bianchini (University of Bologna – Italy); Sonja Bjeletic (Faculty of Administrative and European Studies, Podgorica – Montenegro); Vito Bobek (University of Maribor); George Contogeorgis (University of Athens).
Summary: By running this action we intend to: promote multidisciplinary discussion, reflection and knowledge about the process of EU integration in the framework of its worldwide role within the international academic communities, thanks to the participation of several high value professors of EU studies; rise awareness on EU and its role in the world in particular among the outlined target groups (school teachers and Adult people), with the support of the local authorities of the Forlì-CesenaProvince; strengthen interest on the EU in order to enhance participation to European debate among students and young researchers at an international level. The action foresees Research and conference for academic professors, with involvement of young researchers, seminars, roundtables and other innovative activities, like simulations or transnational debates for BA, MA and Phd students, a seminar in a non-EU country about EU (Montenegro), dissemination activities among specified target and general public.The outputs will be a thematic website, a scientific publication, dissemination materials.Among the results we should consider the benefits deriving from the “European co-operation” between transnational institutes and the new dialogue and partnership between EU (Italy, Greece and Slovenia) and non-EU countries (Montenegro).The monitoring and the assessment of the project will be guaranteed by the Scientific Board of the project and by the Scientific Committee of Europe Direct Forlì.
Dates and duration: 1/9/2010-31/8/2011
Financing: European Union. Programme: Lifelong Learning - Jean Monnet
Scientific Coordinator Giuliana Laschi.
Partner: Giovani Eurabili (Informal group of young people, Forlì – Italy); Pontes Association (Cluj-Napoca – Romania); Comune di Forlì (Italy); City Hall of Cluj-Napoca (Romania).
Summary: Il progetto “Let’s speak up! For improvingourdemocraticvision” si è sviluppato nell’arco di un anno e mezzo dal gennaio 2010 a Forlì e a Cluj Napoca, mediante varie attività condotte in parallelo dai partner coinvolti. In particolare le attività svoltesi in Italia sono state condotte dal centro Europe Direct Punto Europa di Forlì, insieme al gruppo informale “Giovani Eurabili” e al Comune di Forlì; mentre in Romania protagonisti sono stati l’associazione PONTES e il Comune di Cluj Napoca. Attraverso questo progetto si mirava ad incoraggiare i giovani cittadini, ed in particolare i giovani con disabilità visiva, ad assumere un ruolo attivo nella loro comunità, ad essere cittadini attivi, sollecitandoli a conoscere e partecipare al sistema della democrazia rappresentativa. Le modalità attraverso cui si intendeva perseguire tale obiettivo partivano da una educazione alla partecipazione: i giovani avrebbero sperimentato i metodi ed i concetti della democrazia rappresentativa e della cittadinanza attiva, attraverso l’esperienza diretta ed il dialogo con i decisionmakers locali ed europei. La ricerca iniziale sulle best practices europee in questo campo è servita come strumento per sollecitare una riflessione comune sulle diverse opinioni riguardo alla partecipazione dei giovani alla vita democratica. L’azione del progetto si è sviluppata attraverso alcune attività principali. Ad una riunione iniziale del gennaio 2010, in cui si è impostata l’attività, ha fatto seguito un periodo di ricerca per gruppi sulle best practices europee in materia di democrazia rappresentativa e partecipazione dei giovani. La fase della ricerca si è conclusa con uno Workshop in cui i giovani partecipanti hanno prodotto una risoluzione con alcune loro proposte per migliorare l’accesso dei giovani alle istituzioni locali ed europee. Si è quindi aperta la discussione con i decisionmakers locali ed europei nella tavola rotonda del dicembre 2010, in cui i giovani partecipanti hanno discusso con esperti ed autorità la risoluzione approvata nel workshop di giugno. Il rapporto con i decisionmakers è proseguito mediante alcune attività di affiancamento ad assessori comunali e a parlamentari europei, utili per sperimentare direttamente il processo decisionale sia a livello locale che europeo. Tutte queste attività sono state condotte in parallelo sia a Forlì che a Cluj Napoca. I due gruppi si sono poi ritrovati il 9 e 10 maggio a Forlì per un Open Day finale in cui si sono messe a confronto le esperienze ed i risultati del lavoro condotto. Nelle pagine che seguono si possono trovare tutti i risultati emersi da questo lungo ed intenso lavoro: la descrizione dettagliata delle attività ed i risultati che ne sono emersi; il testo della risoluzione approvata dai giovani partecipanti e il dettaglio delle spiegazioni comma per comma delle proposte formulate, nonché due articoli incentrati sulla disabilità visiva, vera protagonista del progetto “Let’sspeak up!”, redatti da due protagoniste non vedenti del gruppo forlivese: Eleonora Ballocchi e Tamara Lo Vasco. Per concludere questa introduzione resta l’obbligo di ringraziare tutte le persone che hanno consentito di portare avanti per tanti mesi il progetto, dai collaboratori che si sono succeduti al Punto Europa (Federica Arceri, che ha scritto il progetto, Valeria Riccobono, che ha fornito una supplenza più o meno volontaria in un momento di bisogno, Elisa Pinelli, che ha curato la redazione di questo opuscolo), all’associazione PONTES (per tutti ringraziamo Carmen Todorut, nostra compagna di mail per quasi due anni), a tutti i ragazzi che hanno fatto parte del gruppo ed hanno dato un senso concreto alla parola “partecipazione” tanto usata nella fase di progettazione. Corre l’obbligo di ringraziare inoltre tutti i partecipanti alla tavola rotonda e tutti i decisionmakers che hanno voluto portare il loro contributo al nostro progetto, in particolare gli assessori del Comune di Forlì DavideDrei, Patrick Leech e Valentina Ravaioli, che ci hanno accompagnato lungo tutto il percorso e che hanno voluto restare con noi anche in questo lavoro finale, scrivendo ben tre prefazioni diverse. Un ringraziamento speciale ai due parlamentari europei, gli onorevoli Salvatore Caronna e Norica Nicolaie, la cui disponibilità ha consentito ad alcuni dei partecipanti di fare un’esperienza indimenticabile a diretto contatto con la quotidianità del parlamento europeo. L’ultimo ringraziamento va ad un amico di vecchia data del Punto Europa,Marco Fossati, esperto di mobilità e orientamento per non vedenti e ipovedenti, ma anche (come sanno bene i formatori sull’Ue del Punto Europa) bravissimo animatore ed inventore di giochi di ogni tipo, che, indubbiamente, è stato la vera anima di questo progetto. (Introduzioneallapubblicazione)
Dates and duration: 1/01/2010-30/06/2011
Financing: European Union. Programme: youth in action
Scientific Coordinator Giuliana Laschi.
ScientificCommittee and partner: Francesca Fauri (University of Bologna - Italy); Marco Balboni (University of Bologna - Italy); Marco Borraccetti (University of Bologna - Italy); Mauro Maggiorani (University of Bologna - Italy); Centro Ricerche sull’integrazione europea – CRIE (University of Siena – Italy); Comune di Forlì (Italy); Comune di Faenza (Italy); Comune di Cesena (Italy); Provincia di Forlì-Cesena (Italy);
Summary: By means of the project “Parlamen-ti-amo", Europe Direct Forlì aimed to make aware the young generations of the Forli – Cesena Province about the European Union decision making processes in order to encourage a wider interests and participation to the European political debate on those issues that more affects everyday life of the young European citizens. In particular, by running this action Europe Direct Forlì intended to: improve the knowledge of the role and functioning of the European institutions and of the European Parliament in particular among the young students involved in the action;Strengthen their interest on the European political debate in order to raise an active citizenship and enhance their participation; make aware the young students of the Forlì-CesenaProvince of the European decision making process.Our purpose responded to the need for specific learning outcomes in the field of European Union institutions and affairs as requested by local schools in the previous years. In general all the proposed activities made aware the target group involved in the action of the role and functions of the European Parliament, promoting a live debate.A wide information about European Parliament and its role and functioning has been provided during the seminars. Furthermore, the assembly simulation (the 5-7 of March 2010) made students experience the political debate process and provided a platform for raising issue on environmental and equal opportunities debates in the local town Council with the participation of two representatives of the Town Council of Forlì. The competition “Parlamentiamo: I giovanied il Parlamento europeo, come esserecoinvolti” enhanced interest on European Parliament activities and stimulated their creativity on this theme. The target group affected by this action has been the age-group included in the secondary education stage (from 12 to 18 years old). On the base of the evaluation, we can count the participation of more than 4000 students to the seminar activities foreseen in the framework of the project in school years 2009 and 2009-2010. The presence of school teachers during the interactive seminars generated a multiplier effect in the other classes not directly affected by the action. Moreover, as the lessons has been held by university students (25 participants in 2 years), we can affirm that also this target group has been slightly affected by the action.Thanks to the evaluation analysis carried out we can measure the impact of the results reached. In particular we have pointed out a rise on the interest in European themes and many schools asked for replying the projects in the following years.
Dates and duration: 1/01/2009-15/06/2010
Financing: European Parliament
Scientific Coordinator Giuliana Laschi.
Summary: Prof. Laschi has delivered evidence of a high level international teaching (EU and extra-EU), in publication records and organising several reflection activities targeting academic context, students and civil society. Being the president of the Scientific Committee of the Europe Direct Punto Europa Forlì, she will continue on exploit her role for implementing a large number of information and awareness activities and event. The JM chair will let her pursue the mission of spreading knowledge on EU integration in particular in the Forli Campus, and more in general a wider at national and international context. The activities foreseen include research, teaching and the organisation of several events (conferences, seminars, simulation activities, study visits, training courses) and outputs (website, book, DVD, brochures) aimed at enhance knowledge on EU studies in the academic context and among civil society.Research will focus on the history of external relation. Historiography studies are at a starting point even if external relations are at the centre of debating in political studies since the last decade. Through the chair, an historical investigation will be carried out in this direction, involving at different levels and stages, BA, MA, Phd students and several high values professors in a dynamic international framework. This action aims at spreading knowledge about EU integration both at academic and civil society level. Moreover the high importance of the theme of research, an impact in the international academic community is envisaged
Dates and duration: 1/9/2005-31/8/2010
Financing: European Union. Programme: Jean Monnet Action
Progetto di Sostegno al sistema educativo nei campi sahrawi e alla conservazione della memoria storica e culturale Sahrawi
Coordinatori: Giulia Olmi (CISP), Giuliana Laschi
Altri docenti coinvolti: Marco Balboni
Partner: Comune di Forlì, CISP, Regione Emilia Romagna
Summary: Si tratta di una cooperazione fra il centro Europe Direct Punto Europa, il Cisp ed il Comune di Forlì in merito ad attività di cooperaizone con il popolo Sahrawi, che si articola su vari progetti succedutisi senza soluzione di continuità a partire dal 2006. Il centro Europe Direct fornisce un supporto nell’elaborazione e nel miglioramento dei materiali didattici e libri di testo, nonchè in attività di conservazione della memoria e cultura sahrawi e di difesa dei diritti umani.
Financing: Regione Emilia Romagna, Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Comune di Forlì.
Scientific Coordinator Lucia Serena Rossi – Giuliana Laschi
Summary: This project is directed to the study of patterns concerning the protection of fundamental rights in the EU level.The European Union has been made promotrice of an extremely advanced model of protection characterized from the maximum extent of beneficiaries and from the existence of a text, the Charter of Fundamental Rights, which has as a core aim the visibility of the rights for everyone who lives in the European territory. This research means to touch several aspects: for instance, European and national jurisprudence, that more and more frequently recalls the Charter, even if it’s formally without any legally binding effects, conferring to it an important legal value. Another aspect is the evaluation of the respect and the protection of fundamental rights in the drafting on the implementation measures in European policies.The multidisciplinary character, which is possible thanks to the interaction of historical, economic, politics and legal matters, reveals the added value of the research.This project wants to achieve two goals. From a scientific point of view, the project is stiff to complete a critical analysis on the protection of fundamental rights in the European policies context. In order to encourage the activity of studious young people, financings will be assigned also to the institution of scholarships.From a divulgative point of view, the main aim is: to realize scientific monographies or contributions; to organize periodically conventions, seminaries and other events opened to public opinion and civil society; to lead an action of sensibilization in the schools; to elaborate and update an on –line database on the respect of fundamental rights; to take care of a daily press release on the main European arguments dealt from the main European daily journals; to product and distribute informative materials in order to achieve the wider population possible, particularly concerning weak people and new generations. All the works realized in the within of the Center of Excellence will be present to the scientific community in seminaries and conventions where the main experts on European matters will be invited. Moreover it will provide to their publications in specialized reviews or inside the series of the CIRDCE, edited by the EditorialeScientifica, one of the most important Italian publisher specialized in European law or inside the series “European progress. Collana di Studi europei”, edited by Punto Europa Forlì and published by CLUEB.
Dates and duration: 1/9/2007-31/8/2012
Financing: European Union. Programme: Lifelong Learning - Jean Monnet
Scientific Coordinator Giuliana Laschi.
ScientificCommittee and partner: Francesca Fauri (University of Bologna - Italy); Marco Balboni (University of Bologna - Italy); Marco Borraccetti (University of Bologna - Italy); Renata Lizzi (University of Bologna - Italy); Paolo Zurla (University of Bologna - Italy); Mauro Maggiorani (University of Bologna - Italy); Mario Telò (Université Libre de Bruxelles – Belgium); Furio Cerutti (University of Firenze – Italy).
Summary: What the project proposed by Punto Europa of Forlì wants to do, is to start a multidisciplinary reflection on the role of Europe in the world, starting from the in-depth analysis of the concept of Europe as a Civilian Power. It is a subject which has never been organically and multidisciplinary dealt with, as it has emerged from the first moment of confrontation organized by Punto Europa together with the Institutd’ÉtudesEuropéennes of the UniversitéLibre in Brussels, thanks to the collaboration between Prof.Giuliana Laschi and Prof. Mario Telò. In that occasion the debate and discussion have offered many hints to re-start the confrontation; what has emerged with strength is the need to emphasize the scientific analysis on this issue. The concept of Europe as a Civilian Power, consists particularly of the international action of a subject, so as Prof.Telò has proposed – the European Union – which promotes multilateralism, the cooperation between countries and the political setting of conflicts, limiting the use of force. The aim of the project is to begin a multidisciplinary confrontation on the concept of Europe as a Civilian Power. Concept that we want to deal with from every point of view: historical, political, juridical, financial, philosophical and sociological. To pursue this aim, many national and international experts of different disciplines will be involved. The long-term aim is, indeed, after the first meeting, to create an international research network on the external relations of the EU, with a special focus on the concept of Europe as a Civilian Power. In such a moment of stagnation in the European building process as it is today, the analysis that will be carried out has also the purpose to try to innovate European studies, in order to either prevent or contrast effectively the trend towards a national falling back of many of the disciplines involved on the study of the EU: the question is also to explore different ways which can re-launch, in the new difficult contest, the European studies.Within this project, we suggest to arrange a three-days international meeting; to employ new technologies, implementing a thematic web site, broadcasting the congress in streaming, collecting documents, audio/video materials; to carry out multidisciplinary scientific researches on this issue, with a final publication of the essays written after the research period; to elaborate material for the general public either via web and/or papery, to broadcast through Europe Direct network and in schools.The aim of the project is to involve as many people as possible, in particular representatives from the academic world of all European universities, but also young researchers, students, civil society and citizenship on the whole (through the involvement of associations, regional and local institutions). Such involvement could be either direct or indirect, through the participation to research and meetings, but also using innovative means (video-conference, skype, internet) for the vision of web materials or through the dissemination of simple information to the general public.
Dates and duration: 1/9/2007-31/8/2008
Financing: European Union. Programme: Lifelong Learning - Jean Monnet
Scientific Coordinator Lorenza Sebesta
Scientific Committee and partner: Giuliana Laschi (University of Bologna - Italy); ChibliMallat (University St. Joseph, Beyrouth – Lebanon); Maurice Vaïsse (Institutd’EtudesPolitiques de Paris – France); Charles Maier (Harvard University - USA).
Summary: The mains objectives of the project are:a) to create a university network which will not be based on disciplinary areas or area studies, but on the capacity and willingness of the participants to cooperate in defining an interdisciplinary editorial workplan on the basis of the common aim (To create a common language to discuss security in the Mediterranean).b) to verify the intellectual feasibility of a text book (organized around one or more volumes) with Anglo-American, French, Arabic and Italian bibliography, intended as a reading on questions related to peace and war in the Mediterranean. The aim will be to write a table of contents for the volume/s. As a starting point, seven « conceptual couples » (or dycothomic visions about security) are proposed as a basis for discussion. Their validity, as tools for analysis and prescription, will be discussed and verified during the feasibility study. c) To find out whether a community (in the sense of the « imagined communities » of Anderson) on this question could be built on mastering past stories (if enough commonalities can be found), as suggested in another context by Paul Ricoeur, or more attention should be given to the creation ex novo of common civic values for the future (JurgenHabermas) or a conscience civique (Mohammed Arkoun). Karl Deutch, in analysing the Atlantic Community back in the Fifties, defined it as a security community as far it implied: the possibility of change without recourse to violence; a shared expectation that force would not be used in intercourse among members. After him, many others have been trying to elucidate how communities are created and how do they function. Among the more convincing authors, Anderson and Ranger have pointed at the artificial origin of communities, suggesting that communities are an artificial artefact, which has to be « imagined » through myths, traditions, rhetorical discourses which can be shared by participants. This encompasses both the idea of looking at the past, in order to reconstruct a common history, heritage, as opposed to personal stories, memories (Paul Ricoeur), and the idea of looking at the future in order to build up such community on shared civic values (JurgenHabermas) or conscience civique (Mohammed Arkoun). If we try to apply this to the field of security, we ought to build up common imagines about security. The best way to do this is to verify how the discourses on security have been organized, and find out a common ground for a future reshaping. Dialogue is not enough when, following a recurrent cognitive pattern, it reinforce past stereotypes (Enrique Banus and Mohammed Arkoun). In order not to fall in this trap, a common ground for intellectual intercourse must be built.
Dates and duration: 1/12/2003-30/11/2004
Financing: European Union. Jean Monnet Project – Heading A-3022
Scientific Coordinator Giuliana Laschi
Partner: PestMegyeiEuròpaiInformàciòs Pont (Budapest – Hungary), Centro di Ricerca sull’Integrazione europea – CRIE (University of Siena – Italy)
Summary: Da un’analisi delle pubblicazioni disponibili risulta che non sia stato pubblicato nessun libro sull’Europa per bambini di scuola elementare, né ve ne sono fra le pubblicazioni dell’Unione Europea. È una lacuna che merita di essere colmata in breve tempo perché è indispensabile che le persone che cresceranno nella nuova Europa allargata abbiano la possibilità di familiarizzare con essa fin da piccoli, imparando a conoscere i paesi che ne fanno e ne faranno parte e la storia che li ha portati ad unirsi. Il progetto “I bambini d’Europa” prevede quindi la realizzazione di un volume per bambini delle scuole elementari italiane ed ungheresi, in cui viene loro presentata l’Unione Europea ed i paesi che la compongono, consentendo ai bambini ungheresi di conoscere la realtà ed i paesi con cui entreranno a stretto contatto durante le loro vita, ai bambini italiani di conoscere la realtà dell’UE, mai abbastanza conosciuta, ed i paesi di nuova adesione. Inoltre i bambini saranno un importante veicolo di conoscenza anche per i loro genitori, nonni, parenti e amici. La nostra idea è quindi quella di offrire un utile strumento ai bambini, alle biblioteche scolastiche e ai loro insegnanti. Il manoscritto preparato a tal fine sarà scritto in linguaggio estremamente semplice e comprensibile ai bambini cui si rivolge, da due professionisti della letteratura per l’infanzia: Stefano e Gualtiero Bordiglioni, quest’ultimo allievo delle professoresse Sebesta e Laschi, sotto la cui direzione sta ultimando la sua tesi di Laurea. Si tratta quindi di una persona dotata di doppia sensibilità e competenza (sull’Europa e sulla letteratura per bambini), necessaria per poter trattare in modo efficace un argomento così complesso. Il rigore scientifico del testo sarà peraltro garantito, in particolar modo, dalla supervisione della professoressa Giuliana Laschi. Il testo, che prevede una parte di descrizione generale dell’UE e della sua storia ed una parte dedicata alla presentazione dei singoli paesi che ne fanno parte, con particolare attenzione ai 10 paesi che entreranno nel 2004, è intervallato da immagini ed illustrazioni realizzate da Mauro Monaldini, professionista di grafica ed illustrazioni per l’infanzia. Il volume “I bambini d’Europa” è quindi uno strumento semplice, leggero, comprensibile dai bambini delle scuole elementari, attraente e accattivante.Il progetto viene realizzato dal Punto Europa di Forlì in collaborazione con il PestMegyeiEuròpaiInformàciòs Pont (ufficio di informazioni sull’UE di Budapest) e con il Centro di Ricerca sull’Integrazione Europea (C.R.I.E.) dell’Università di Siena, diretto dalla prof.ssa Ariane Landuyt.Il testo verrà quindi stampato in circa 14.000 esemplari, 7.000 dei quali in italiano e 7.000 in ungherese e verrà distribuito in tutte le scuole elementari della Provincia di Forlì-Cesena, di Siena e di Budapest. Verrà anche diffuso all’interno della rete di Università, italiane e straniere, che collaborano con il C.R.I.E. alla realizzazione del Master “Il processo di costruzione europea” (fra cui il Dipartimento di Studi politici dell'Università di Torino, il Dipartimento di Ricerche Europee dell'Università di Genova, il Dipartimento Storico-geografico dell’Università di Pavia, l'Universidad de Salamanca, l'Universidad de Granada, l'Universidad de Coimbra, l'UniversityCollege of Wales-Swansea, l'Université Strasbourg III – Robert Schuman I.E.P, la PanteionUniversity di Atene e l'Università Jagiellonski di Cracovia), in vista di un eventuale seguito ed una ulteriore diffusione del testo, magari tradotto in ulteriori lingue.In occasione della distribuzione alle scuole verrà dato ampio risalto all’iniziativa, con una serie di presentazioni ad alto livello della pubblicazione che sottolineino l’importanza per i bambini della nuova Europa allargata di crescere informati e consapevoli dell’importanza sempre crescente che l’Unione Europea avrà sulle loro vite. Tali presentazioni saranno tre e si svolgeranno in momenti separati a Forlì, Siena e Budapest e ad esse saranno presenti gli autori dell’opera, le autorità locali, rappresentanti delle autorità scolastiche, rappresentanti delle organizzazioni che avranno realizzato l’opera, un membro della Rappresentanza in Italia della Commissione Europea ed un rappresentante della Commissione Europea. Le presentazioni avranno lo scopo di dare un forte risalto e conoscenza dell’iniziativa a livello massmediatico e si rivolgeranno in particolare al mondo della scuola, degli insegnanti e dirigenti scolastici, per fare un’opera di sensibilizzazione anche nei loro confronti sull’allargamento dell’Unione Europea e sulla sua importanza per un futuro di pace e benessere nel nostro continente.
Dates and duration: 12/2003 – 05/2004
Financing: European Union. EuropeanCommission, Representation in Italy - Realizzazione di azioni d’informazione e/o comunicazione nell’ambito dell’Allargamento
Scientific Coordinator Lorenza Sebesta
In charge for the project: Victor Cristian Mortu (SVE)
Partner: EYE (Dunakeszi - Hungary), Fundatiasfintiitreiierarhi (Oradea – Romania), Bureau Information Jeunesse (Arles – France), IFAP (Apolda – Germany), BOFIT (Haiduboszormeny – Hungary), Service civil international (Lille – France), CEPAGE (Puget-théniers – France), Legambiente (Roma – Italy), Espacio Europa Joven (Leganés – Spain), Uniser (Forlì – Italy), Students league from “Dunarea de Jos” University (Galati – Romania), Cultural House of Students (Galati – Romania), Ruse Youth and cultural club (Ruse – Slovenia), Center for youth (Ruse – Slovenia), Provincia di Forlì-Cesena, Comune di Forlì,
Summary: The seminar is the result of our will to improve the knowledge and skills in order to respond better to young people’s interest for “European Voluntary Service” type of projects. Following the efforts of European Commisison in integrating the Eastern Europe countries within the Youth program despising the complex economical and political problems, we believe that more steps should be made from the western organizations in order to approach them selves to eastern ones.The transition process as well as the economical problems had caused problems to eastern organizations, first of all related to the aspect of mobility, affecting trough that the initiation or participation to a program of Exchanging Volunteers under Youth Program. Above all that, the eastern organization had succeeded in making them self’s an active presence in national and also European projects. Solving specific problems in order to develop an EVS project led to particular experience and knowledge that can and should be exchanged with organizations from west of Europe, but also, some experiences of Western organizations can help Eastern ones in the future to avoid issues incurring in their projects. This seminar calls for participation of organizations from East and West of Europe in order to step forward in properly integrate the Eastern organization and also to exchange good practices regarding the work in EVS projects as well as managing emergency cases during those projects. The seminar will be organized in Forli, Italy at the end of May (20-25 Wlay) and will gather 22 participants from countries from East and West of Europe; 1-2 persons from each country. The countries involved in the project are: Italy, Germany, France, Sweden, Spain, Romania, Slovenia, Hungary. The daily program will include open discussions, brainstorming session on the seminar themes as well as working groups that will be made up considering each and every ones interest. The themes of the seminar are: to identify the specific good practice developed by each organization (most of all the eastern ones) as a response to specific situations and needs; ensure the understanding of presented cases and mix together this skills (eastern and western ones) for future use in everyone’s activity; find a way to avoid or optimal manage the crisis and emergency situations during an EVS project (temporary or suddenly lack of money, last minute change of mind of the volunteer or organization etc.). In order to better copperhead all the aspects of presented situations, a project simulation will take place so that the participants will be able, after that, to conclude the errors and good practice regarding it. During the seminar, a public presentation will take place, presentation concerning organizations activity and projects opportunity along with exhibition stands, that will also ensure the impact on the local community (young people that will want to participate in EVS projects in other countries through the organizations participating at the seminar). This exhibition is also the best way for the present organizations to find out more about each other and establish partnerships in future common projects. The intercultural learning aspect will be ensured by mutual understanding pointing the fact that the local or national culture ensure specific working environment developing methods in approaching certain issues. This will help the participants to uncover their common basis concerning the seminar themes as well as the EVS projects in general. The dissemination of the project results will be made first of all by the participants by sharing this seminar experience inside their organization (and direct partners) and also through a final results paper that will contain the common and/or new good practices that all participants agreed on.
Dates and duration: 20/5/2003-25/5/2003
Financing: European Union. Programme: youth – Action 5
Scientific Coordinator Maura De Bernart.
Partner: Marin Barleti University/ Albanian Institute of Public Affairs (Tirana – Albania); Centarzaeuroppskestudije - European Studies Centre (Zagreb – Croatia); University of Teramo (Teramo – Italy); University of Calabria (Arcavacata di Rende-Cosenza – Italy);
Summary: The main idea is to try to evaluate on one side how deep rooted and diffused are the European values connected to the rejection of all war and genocide, and, on the other side, how all this is in turn connected to the preservation andmeanings of the memory of Shoah and of specific local sites of memory often still little known, through generations.Theoretically and methodologically, we refer to a consolidated literature on Shoah and memory, European unificationand cosmopolitanism; on memory of Shoah, other genocides, global memory and human rights (see Levy, Sznaider,Beck, Alexander etc.); and to the studies of Hilberg, Friedlander, Bauer, Ofer etc. The Project lasts 18 months, intendingto preserve some little known memory sites and pieces of history, to foster intergenerational dialogue on what reallyhappened and why, and how to prevent such evils. It includes 4 steps, involving at Step 1 that each University partner,with local stakeholders, possibly associating scholars in Ukraine and Bosnia, will identify 4 students under 30, withgender balance, to study relevant but little known sites of memory, in history and today, and represent them in the wayschosen by young people (narratives, photos, videos etc.). The sites of memory, little known or whose memory is fadingaway, are 4 in Forli, 6 in Teramo, 1 main camp with 21 subcamps in Calabria, 3 sites in Zagreb and 3 sites in Tirana. AtStep 2 the results of 1 are locally submitted by the young to local survivors or other witnesses, in video/audio-tapeddialogues, to be the basis for further steps, under supervision of teams and experts. At Step 3 the final product of 1 and 2is presented and discussed with university and school students, citizens etc in local dissemination, while at Step 4concerns crossed dissemination, a joint final conference, and dissemination through an ad hoc website and othermaterials. During the course of this project we plan to maintain contact with YadVashem.
Dates and duration: 1/12/2012-31/05/2014
Financing: European Union. Programme: Europe for Citizens – Active remembrance.
Scientific Coordinator Giuliana Laschi.
ScientificCommittee and partner: Francesca Fauri (University of Bologna - Italy); Marco Balboni (University of Bologna - Italy); Marco Borraccetti (University of Bologna - Italy); Sonia Lucarelli (University of Bologna - Italy); Paolo Zurla (University of Bologna - Italy); Mauro Maggiorani (University of Bologna - Italy); Salvatore Aloisio (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia – Italy); Marco Gestri (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia – Italy); Marco Fossati (School teacher and Instructor of orientation, mobility and personal autonomy ); Fabio Casini (Manager of Europe Direct Forlì), Elisabetta Olivastri (Europe Direct Modena); Rita Ricci (Manager of Europe Direct Ravenna); Carla Cavallini (Manager of Europe Direct Reggio Emilia), Stefania Fenati (Manager of Europe Direct Bologna); Milena Cecchini (Manager Europe Direct Rimini); Comune di Forlì, Provincia di Forlì-Cesena, Comune di Faenza.
Summary: The study of the European integration process in high schools is mostly underestimated, when not totally absent. Given the growing demand of cooperation with this University, Professor Laschi started the Punto Europa program with schools ten years ago. The goal of the Punto Europa’s action in the schools, as well as this project’s, is to contribute to enhancing the awareness of being European citizens among young generations, through a series of activities and meetings. The most innovative aspect of the project lies in the fact that the meetings will be managed by young trainers, duly selected among MA students of the Faculty of Political Science “Roberto Ruffilli” of Forlì (constantly top-ranked, especially for its assets in the field of internationalization). Their sound education will be integrated with an initial ad-hoc training course. The project foresees about 100-150 meetings within schools, taking place mostly in the regional area, from Reggio Emila to Rimini, in order to have a direct impact at least on 2.000-3.000 students. There will also be a European Parliament simulation in spring 2012, whose participants will be some students selected in those schools that have attended our meetings. The Europe Day, taking place in Forlì on 9th May 2012, is the occasion to test the results of the work done, through an educational as well as recreational path that will address about 300 students of primary, middle and high schools. Next fall, a specific meeting for teachers will be held in Modena, where we will reflect upon the teaching of European integration in schools, also in the light of the project developed. We also foresee the creation of a cd with all didactic material produced during the year and a publication of 10.000 copies devoted to children of primary schools, that will be distributed in the Region. On the website of the ED Forlì, space will be devoted to the project, whose visibility will also be granted by other web sites of the regional Europe directs.
Dates and duration: 1/12/2011-30/11/2012
Financing: European Union. Programme: Lifelong Learning - Jean Monnet
Scientific Coordinator Lucia Serena Rossi – Lorenza Sebesta
Dates and duration: 1/9/2000-31/8/2007
Financing: European Union. Programme: Jean Monnet Action
Este archivo representa una de las tres columnas que sostienen la memoria histórica del Punto Europa de Buenos Aires, cuyo arco temporal de vida se extendió de 2003 hasta 2017. Alberga cierto material “pesado” (videos y objetos digitales) producido por el centro en sus últimos años de vida que, por cuestiones técnicas, nunca fue integrado en el sitio de la representación de la Universidad de Bologna en Buenos Aires (UNIBO-BA), donde siempre se alojó el centro. Las otras dos columnas son:
1. un archivo adentro del sitio de la misma representación, que incluye principalmente las actividades de investigación (locales e internacionales) y de difusión llevadas a cabo por Punto Europa:
2. un espacio del AlmaDL Journals, la biblioteca digital relativa a los periódicos del ateneo de Bologna, donde se aloja la revista producida a lo largo de la vida del centro, Puente@Europa:
Nacimos en 2003, tomando como referencia una experiencia similar de la Universidad de Bologna, campus de Forlì, donde en 1999 se había formado el actual Punto Europa. A partir del pedido del fundador de UNIBO-BA, Giorgio Alberti, docente de la universidad de Bologna, la responsable del Punto Europa-Forlì, Lorenza Sebesta, profesora Jean Monnet ad personam, creó Punto Europa de Buenos Aires para acompañar la actividad didáctica de la sede, en particular de la Maestría en Relaciones Internacionales Europa-América Latina, con tareas de extensión e investigación.
El centro se propuso como lugar de reflexión y estudio de la realidad compleja y cambiante de Europa, de un lado, y de América Latina, del otro, con especial foco en sus instancias de integración regional y en los problemas comunes.
Consideramos que UNIBO-BA era el lugar ideal para iniciar este diálogo. Nacida en 1998, ella simbolizaba, por la composición de su cuerpo docente y sus estudiantes, así como por la estructura de sus cursos, un puente entre Italia y Argentina, entre América Latina y Europa. De hecho, los integrantes de Punto Europa (desde el primero, Pablo Milanese, hasta el último, Paolo Galassi, pasando por sus dos pilares históricos, Martín Obaya y Luciana Gil), se habían formado previamente en la mencionada Maestría. Entre las pocas excepciones a esa regla se cuenta Emiliano Montenegro, diseñador gráfico y artista que dio una imagen propia al centro y a su revista.
Los esfuerzos del centro se concentraron en los primeros años en publicaciones, conferencias, seminarios y cursos de formación. Los módulos europeos Jean Monnet, llevados a cabo a partir de 2004 gracias al Programa Jean Monnet de la Unión Europea, fueron el mascarón de proa del Punto Europa en sus inicios. Sus animadora y alma mater fue Susana Czar de Zalduendo, ilustre impulsora del estudio de la integración regional en Argentina y docente de la Maestría.
La participación de Punto Europa en el Observatorio de las Relaciones Unión Europea-América Latina (OBREAL), un proyecto internacional encabezado por la Universitat de Barcelona y sostenido por la Comisión Europea entre 2005 y 2008, fue ocasión para que las reflexiones intelectuales promovidas por Punto Europa pudieran consolidarse y enmarcarse en el proceso de institucionalización de las relaciones birregionales UE-AL.
En 2009, a raíz de su empeño en temas de integración, la sede fue seleccionada para constituir un Centro de Excelencia Jean Monnet, instituciones que, al día de hoy, todavía constituyen una rareza en todo el continente latinoamericano. A partir de este nuevo impulso, el Centro expandió sus actividades dedicadas a la integración europea y latinoamericana, así como a las relaciones entre las dos regiones. A través de los años, pudo beneficiarse de programas europeos de la Acción Jean Monnet que le permitieron organizar seminarios y conferencias en colaboración con socios e instituciones locales e internacionales, así como promover investigaciones multilaterales. El Centro de Excelencia terminó sus tareas en 2014, al concluirse los cinco años de actividades previstas originariamente.
Finalmente, gracias a un convenio de colaboración entre UNIBO y el Consulado General de Italia (2014), el Punto Europa, hasta su clausura en 2017, volcó también sus intereses hacia el tema de los migrantes italianos en la República Argentina y los fenómenos políticos, sociales, culturales y económicos vinculados a esta experiencia paradigmática de intercambio entre Europa y América Latina.
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