Cattedra Jean Monnet della professoressa Francesca Fauri "The EU and migration: lesson from history and present impact"

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In line with the research and teaching activities carried out at the University of Bologna as holder of a Jean Monnet chair (2011-2014), Francesca Fauri has demonstrated a high level of international activities (organisation of international conferences, seminars, several publications in Italian and English, two books on migration and several articles on the topic of her previous JM chair).

The opportunity offered by this new project will enable Prof. Fauri to continue her research on European migration movements, spread knowledge on EU migration and immigration history both locally and internationally and go a lot further in investigating the economic and social impact/integration challenges of incoming immigrant groups nowadays.

Being the vice-president of the Scientific Committee of the Europe Direct - Centre of Excellence in Forlì, she will continue to exploit her role and implement a large number of information and awareness activities and events. The JM chair will let her pursue the mission of spreading knowledge on EU economic history, migration history and policy in particular in the Forli Campus, and more in general in a wider context at the national and international level. Student and civil society participation to the events/website will indicate the level of achievement and interest in the proposed topics.

The activities foreseen in the three years include not only teaching, but also research, and the organisation of several events (study visits, conferences, seminars, training courses) and outputs (three articles, a book, a short TV format, website, DVD) aimed at enhancing knowledge on EU economic and migration history (outgoing and incoming) in the academic context and among civil society.

Prof. Fauri will continue and improve the existing teachings and seminars. In particular, she teaches 60 hours in Forlì (Economic History of Contemporary Europe) and 60 hours in Bologna (Economic History). If this Action is approved, the course in Forlì will be divided in two modules starting in 2017: 30 hours will be devoted to the process of European economic integration after the second World War, while 30 hours will be offered as a new specialized module on “Migration to and from Europe: a long term view”.

This new innovative module will represent the only course on Migration offered at the University of Bologna, will be open to all students and will include the contribution of European legal experts, historians, demographers, economists and sociologists in order to offer a cross-disciplinary long term view on migration movements and their economic and social impact.  

Research will focus on the history of migration within the EU countries, but also on the history of immigration movements which shall include: the study of foreign micro/ethnic enterprises based in the EU and the role of remittances in history. Furthermore, through the chair, an historical, economic and sociological investigation on second generation integration will be carried out, involving the collaboration of students, researchers and several internationally renowned experts and professors.

Along with the use of new technologies, such as the website, the DVD and the streaming view of the public events, particular attention will be given to the implementation of a new virtual tool aimed at being forecast on local and regional TV programmes in order to reach as many citizens as possible. The “TV pills” on the EU economic and migration policy will represent a new possibility to reach the general public of all ages and through a fresh approach win over the dissatisfaction, disillusion and sometimes open hostility towards the EU policies in general and migration issues in particular, often derived by partisan and wrong information by the media. This is precisely in tune with the JM objective of enhancing the general public’s civic skills.

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