Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions (Albert Einstein)
We will support your determination, allowing you to nurture your vision of the future and generate new ideas.
The world can be seen from different perspectives, and your perspective can significantly contribute to society.
Assessing opportunities, cooperation and dialogue create fertile soil where creativity can generate innovative ideas. Perhaps you don’t have a clear idea to develop for now, but it doesn't matter. To start, you need the desire to be on board and the interest in sharing knowledge and points of view with other students to find innovative solutions to real problems in an aware and responsible manner.
People who plan for people. This is the aim of the initiatives we propose, where solutions are generated by groups of students from different study fields, with the support of teachers, mentors and entrepreneurs.
Problems are set to be solved, and from here precious ideas and intuitions develop.
A way of taking part in the organisation of the StartUp Day
Students and graduates
Offer your support, get involved in the activities
A call to join a team selected by the Call for StartUp
Individuals both inside and outside the University of Bologna
To contribute to emerging ideas selected by the Call for StartUp
April 2025
It’s the call to develop your entrepreneurial project
Students, fresh graduates (no more than 3 years)
To select emerging ideas and established start-ups
2 December 2024, 10 February 2025 (POSTPONED)
An international programme supporting innovative ideas
Second and Single cycle students, researchers and businesses
Developing ideas and facilitating creation of interdisciplinary teams
Candidatures open from July, the project starts in October
A free advisory service at your disposal
Students, teachers, businesses
Guiding you, suggesting opportunities and helping you to find a team
The service is always available
A programme that invests in business ideas for development in Africa
Students and graduates (in the last 2 years max)
Presenting an idea or finding a work team
Every year between December and January, in relation to StartUp Day
An open innovation project for cooperatives and young talents
Under-40s studying or working in the agri-food sector
Making your professional profile known to sector businesses
Call4ideas in September 2020, call4talents permanently
Being in contact and dialoguing with other able and business-minded people is a strong stimulus, and cooperation among creative minds in different contexts and fields fosters a productive environment.
Projects are developed by affinity, and an idea may take shape with the contribution of different experiences, simply by sharing points of view.
We offer spaces where you can nurture your talent, using the equipment (laser cutter, 3D printer, etc.) to help your ideas take shape, or sharing experiences that enhance your own natural talents.
A maker space prototyping laboratory and co-working space
Students, teachers, start-ups and spin-offs (see above)
Team working, creating prototypes, accessing training and support
From Monday to Friday, with set times
Business workshop and co-working facility creating opportunities
Sharing projects, experimenting and put yourself to the test
Opportunities all year round
What you have learned in your university career and your desire to dialogue with others are the tools you need to find your ideal team.
The right place for learning by doing, with opportunities for growth beyond your study programme. Here we are looking for talents who can help to develop a start-up project.
You can take part in the initiatives on offer to identify the project team where you can contribute with your competences.
A way of taking part in the organisation of the StartUp Day
Students and graduates
Offer your support, get involved in the activities
A call to join a team selected by the Call for StartUp
Individuals both inside and outside the University of Bologna
To contribute to emerging ideas selected by the Call for StartUp
April 2025
An international programme supporting innovative ideas
Second and Single cycle students, researchers and businesses
Developing ideas and facilitating creation of interdisciplinary teams
Candidatures open from July, the project starts in October
A free advisory service at your disposal
Students, teachers, businesses
Guiding you, suggesting opportunities and helping you to find a team
The service is always available
We know that not all our students aspire to be entrepreneurs, but everyone wants to be prepared to take advantage of the opportunities in the world of work in the best possible way.
You can learn competences like creative and innovative thought, time and priority management, problem solving, communication and group work, leadership, resilience, the ability to identify opportunities and generate new ideas. They will be useful for you in any job, whether or not you’re thinking about setting up a business.
Start now! Enter the activities allowing you to complete your training with these competences in your study plan:
A way of taking part in the organisation of the StartUp Day
Students and graduates
Offer your support, get involved in the activities
An international programme supporting innovative ideas
Second and Single cycle students, researchers and businesses
Developing ideas and facilitating creation of interdisciplinary teams
Candidatures open from July, the project starts in October
An activity in Useful English for the world of work (3 credits)
Developing competences in creative thought and cognitive modelling
Follow the course at the times indicated in the course unit programme
An activity in Useful Italian for the world of work (3 credits)
Developing practical guidance for launching a business activity
Follow the course at the times indicated in the course unit programme
An activity in Useful English for the world of work (3 credits)
Developing competences needed to create approach to entrepreneurship
Follow the course at the times indicated in the course unit programme
An activity in Useful English for the world of work (3 credits)
Developing competences to create approach to entrepreneurship
Follow the course at the times indicated in the course unit programme
Is an activity in useful Italian (3 credits) for the world of work
Supporting the passage from concept to project to prototype
Follow the course at the times indicated in the course unit programme
An activity in Useful English for the world of work (3 credits)
Developing the competences required to become a project manager
Follow the course at the times indicated in the course unit programme
Final event of a cycle of activities devoted to innovative ideas
Students, graduates, researchers, teachers, entrepreneurs
Presenting an idea or finding a work team
Every year in January (call for ideas) and May (Team meeting)
Perhaps you think you don’t have the right competences for this type of project, your studies have nothing to do with this world. But that’s not how it is.
Today there are many approaches and tools for developing new ideas. The most innovative projects have people with different backgrounds in their team.
The potential value of competences in the humanities, for example, in multidisciplinary teams interacts with management, organisation and marketing skills, leading to the development of highly innovative ideas, even in contexts relating to digital technologies.
Why not try and cultivate your talent! You can count on knowledge and competences that can be applied to the world of work, whether or not you wish to complete a business development programme:
A way of taking part in the organisation of the StartUp Day
Students and graduates
Offer your support, get involved in the activities
An international programme supporting innovative ideas
Second and Single cycle students, researchers and businesses
Developing ideas and facilitating creation of interdisciplinary teams
Candidatures open from July, the project starts in October
An activity in Useful English for the world of work (3 credits)
Developing competences in creative thought and cognitive modelling
Follow the course at the times indicated in the course unit programme
An activity in Useful English for the world of work (3 credits)
Developing competences to create approach to entrepreneurship
Follow the course at the times indicated in the course unit programme
A free advisory service at your disposal
Students, teachers, businesses
Guiding you, suggesting opportunities and helping you to find a team
The service is always available
Is an activity in useful Italian (3 credits) for the world of work
Supporting the passage from concept to project to prototype
Follow the course at the times indicated in the course unit programme
An activity in Useful Italian for the world of work (3 credits)
Developing practical guidance for launching a business activity
Follow the course at the times indicated in the course unit programme
An activity in Useful English for the world of work (3 credits)
Developing competences needed to create approach to entrepreneurship
Follow the course at the times indicated in the course unit programme
An activity in Useful English for the world of work (3 credits)
Developing the competences required to become a project manager
Follow the course at the times indicated in the course unit programme
Final event of a cycle of activities devoted to innovative ideas
Students, graduates, researchers, teachers, entrepreneurs
Presenting an idea or finding a work team
Every year in January (call for ideas) and May (Team meeting)
Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions (Albert Einstein)
Don’t wait. The time will never be just right. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along (Napoleon Hill)
Creativity is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, while creativity embraces the world, stimulating progress and giving new momentum to the future
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