Shots Behind the Scenes of the Teatro Comunale di Bologna New Directions in Photographic Digital Archives Design

di Paolo Bonora, in diid-disegno industriale industrial design No. 73


The paper presents Scatti d'Opera a project aiming to the preservation of the photographic archive of the Teatro Comunale di Bologna. The project, financed by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage (Mibact) within the Photography Strategy 2020 programme, exemplifies the need to establish today multi-stakeholder and multi-level relationships to generate new processes of valorisation of Cultural and Creative Heritage, in order to ensure not only their preservation at the material level but also their transformation into knowledge open to a wider public.

Towards Design and Creativity in the European Work Programmes

di Margherita Ascari, Valentina Gianfrate, Lorela Mehmeti in diid-disegno industriale industrial design No. 73


The paper investigates the growing adoption of design approach and its tools and the emergent inclusion of design and creativity in the new funding programs of the European Commission. It is assumed as a progressive process, with specific milestones, that move towards cross-disciplinarity between different sectors, and integrate citizens’ inclusion in the innovation pathways at different scales. The contribution presents the turning points in the introduction of participatory methodologies and design as a multidisciplinary and transversal medium to foster a multi-stakeholders dialogue.

The rethinking opportunity generated by the COVID-19 emergency has been seized by the European Commission, which put in evidence the relation between design and R&I processes, to foster cross-innovation and multiple knowledge, blurring the boundaries between creation, distribution and reception, with a special eye on culture and creativity.

Design Processes in Cultural and Creative Industries’ Oriented Development: A Regional Case

Flaviano Celaschi, Elena Vai in diid-disegno industriale industrial design No. 73


The paper investigates the role of design as mediator in between culture, creativity, industry and top down policies. In that respect, it is responsible for enabling the creation of CCI ecosystems, overcoming the traditional antagonism between culture and economy, creativity and industry.

After defining the CCIʼs phenomenon on a European scale, the contribution tries to describe how design is part of this phenomenon but its nature does not belong neither to culture or creativity nor industry, but at the intersection of the three, thanks to its ability of integrating different knowledge and interests within the production processes, multiplying values.

Through the description of various creative ecosystem models, the paper aims to establish the interactive role of design processes, practices and design cultures in the creation of these CCI systems within the Smart Specialization Strategy (S3), to enhance the cultural and creative vibrancy and metabolism in cities.

La memoria ‘estesa’ della moda. Come valorizzare l’heritage aziendale con la tecnologia.

Autore: Chiara Pompa, Università di Bologna ZONEMODA Journal Vol. 10 No. 2 (2020): Fashion, Technology, and Social Distancing


During the past months of lockdown and social distancing, necessary to counter the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the fashion world opened the doors of its digital databases, sharing the cultural heritage with the web community. A praiseworthy initiative capable of stimulating a reflection on the dimension of accessibility to fashion archives, as well as on the uses that can be made of their materials. This phenomenon is in fact observable from multiple perspectives: if on the one hand, it may provide useful insight into the progress of digitalization, on the other it underlines the limited use of Extended Reality in corporate archives and museums of Fashion System, that has adopted this technology primarily in both B2B and B2C retail. Starting from the analysis of the state of the art, the paper aims to trace potential paths for future research on this field, in order to support the fruition and valorization of the fashion heritage through augmented and virtual reality technologies.


Il pubblico dei festival cinematografici è giovane, laureato e smart. Lo rivela un’indagine condotta da Regione e DAMSLab, attraverso l’analisi di 25 manifestazioni di settore in Emilia-Romagna.

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Il pubblico dei festival cinematografici è giovane, laureato e smart
Lo rivela un’indagine condotta da Regione e DAMSLab, attraverso l’analisi di 25 manifestazioni di settore in Emilia-Romagna

Giovane, laureato, smart, consumatore abituale di cultura, attivo sui social media: è il profilo medio dello spettatore di festival cinematografici del territorio, emerso dall’indagine sui pubblici svolta dalla Regione Emilia-Romagna. Tra febbraio e dicembre 2019, nell’ambito delle attività di Osservatorio dello spettacolo regionale, svolte in collaborazione con ATER Fondazione, Emilia-Romagna Film Commission e DAMSLab-Università di Bologna hanno indagato 25 festival cinematografici sostenuti dalla Regione per favorire la riflessione sul settore attraverso uno strumento di analisi dell’offerta e delle caratteristiche di fruizione, utile a orientare le scelte degli operatori e degli enti coinvolti e a progettare nuove strategie istituzionali. 1851 questionari, compilati dagli spettatori delle diverse manifestazioni, hanno così consentito di tracciarne il profilo socio-demografico, la partecipazione culturale e le modalità di fruizione dell’evento, nonché di conoscere la loro opinione sulla qualità del servizio offerto.