Anno Accademico 2022/2023

Conoscenze e abilità da conseguire

The course covers the principal aspects of the network communication with particular emphasis on security. Security against cyber-attack, robust infrastructures and approaches for a modern safe digital communication are the main goals of the course for a to-date IoT network. Technical basics of digital implementation of cryptography into physical digital programmable devices are presented.


Module 1: Title: Geopolitics Cyber Diplomacy: rules, risks, and perspectives

  • Introduction to the theory of war, terrorism and asymmetric warfare
  • Network Theory & Analysis (Social Network Analysis with Gephi)
  • Threat Modelling Analysis and Social Engineering
  • Critical Infrastructures
  • Cyberwar (theory) - cyberwarfare (application) vs Infowar(fare) nation-state (strategic Level)
  • Cyberwarfare: the Actors
  • Asymmetric Warfare (state and non-state actors; resources)
  • Cyberweapons: Stuxnet and its siblings (Operational Level)
  • Information Warfare (IW) & Psychological Ops
  • Digital battlefield (Operational and Tactical levels; drones, autonomous systems; nuclear weapons vulnerabilities
  • Military applications of Artificial Intelligence; Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS)
  • NSA leaks & CIA leaks
  • Surveillance (PRISM, TOR, GCHQ, Cambridge Analytica)
  • Myths and Reality of Cybercrime Today
  • Myths and Reality of Cyberterrorism Today
  • Privacy & Data Protection: Cryptography (symmetric and asymmetric keys)

Module 2:Title: Cyber Security: research, applications, and development

  • Security properties of information and systems
  • Definitions: threat, vulnerability, exploit, risk
  • Attack methods and impact
  • Hints: formal models for development, security frameworks, certifications
  • Information security
    • Cryptography essentials
    • Data at rest: anonymization and encryption
    • Data in transit: secure communication protocols and VPNs
  • Blue teaming
    • Physical security
    • Basic operating system hardening
    • Authentication systems
    • Access control models and their implementation
    • Network-based attack prevention: firewalls
    • Attack detection: IDS, IPS, SIEM
    • Incident response and recovery

    Module 3: Title: Potential Security via Commercial Programmable Digital Devices

  • Garr Network in Italy, Tier-1 in CNAF-INFN
  • Availability of programmable devices on the market: custom-security
  • A Firewall-Hardware project
  • Hardware security via open-source, scalable, IP-blocks, and domestic devices
  • Design and implementation of security algorithm into programmable devices
  • Study case for electronics in a radiation harsh environment
  • Hardware Security against radiation environments


The course will be provided with the slides of the lesson

Metodi didattici

The course is divided into three cycles of 8 hours each, for a total of 24 hours.

Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento

“La prova di idoneità consiste in un incontro (eventualmente collettivo) successivo alla fine del seminario in cui ogni studente dovrà discutere un approfondimento critico nella forma di una tesina o una presentazione power point (circa 1000 parole o 4 slides) che potrà essere individuale o di gruppo purché sia chiaramente identificabile il contributo del singolo, da concordare con il docente. In caso siano previste attività di laboratorio, potrà essere presentato in alternativa un elaborato o manufatto che attesti le attività svolte.”

Orario di ricevimento

Consulta il sito web di Alessandro Gabrielli

Consulta il sito web di Giampiero Giacomello

Consulta il sito web di Marco Prandini