La Musica per le Discipline

The proposed dialogue aims to emphasize the importance of the history of music in serving other disciplines

Cortile interno di San Giovanni in Monte
  • Date: 04 FEBRUARY 2025  from 10:00 to 18:00

  • Event location: Aula Giorgio Prodi - San Giovanni In Monte

  • Type: Dialoghi del Collegio

The Dialogue of the Collegio, coordinated by Professor Anna Scalfaro, aims to emphasize the importance of the history of music in serving other disciplines.

Music, long considered a language accessible only to specialists, is actually present in every disciplinary field, from literature (consider the phonological and sonorous aspects of literary and poetic discourse) to geometry (let's look at the construction of musical forms), from the history of philosophical and aesthetic thought to its relationships with the visual arts and both old and new media. The six speakers, experts in different disciplinary areas, will engage in a dialogue, accessible to non-experts, about the valuable interdisciplinarity inherent in the history of music.

The meeting is open to the public upon registration.