Italian Embassy in Tirana
Castromediano Museum, Lecce
Poster presentation during the 3rd International Conference Of Aerial Archaeology "Invisible Cities. Remote And Proximal Sensing In Archaeology: Non-Invasive Methods For The Study Of Ancient Cities"
Aula Bovini, Department of History and Cultures, Ravenna
Poster presentation during the conference "Landscape 3: una sintesi di elementi diacronici. Uomo e ambiente nel mondo antico: un equilibrio possibile?" held in Bologna and Ravenna on 5th and 6th May 2022
Palazzo Massimo Largo di Villa Peretti, 2, Roma, Italia
Presentation during the Research Meeting "Entrando in città", promoted by the Atlante tematico di Topografia antica Journal (ATTA), with the support of the Museo Nazionale Romano and Elma di Bretschneider Publisher on 25-26 March 2022
Microsoft TEAMS -
Meeting of the second part of the webinar cycle "L'Epiro e l'Illiria Meridionale: Scavi e Ricerche Recenti". Info:
Microsoft TEAMS -
Meeting of the second part of the webinar cycle "L'Epiro e l'Illiria Meridionale: Scavi e Ricerche Recenti". Info:
Microsoft TEAMS -
Meeting of the second part of the webinar cycle "L'Epiro e l'Illiria Meridionale: Scavi e Ricerche Recenti". Info:
Microsoft TEAMS -
Meeting of the second part of the webinar cycle "L'Epiro e l'Illiria Meridionale: Scavi e Ricerche Recenti". Info:
Microsoft TEAMS
Webinars in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Tirana, the Albanian Ministry of Culture, Assorestauro, the Archaeological Institute of Tirana, the University of Bologna, the University of Chieti-Pescara, the University of Macerata, CNR - Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale
Microsoft TEAMS
Webinars in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Tirana, the Albanian Ministry of Culture, Assorestauro, the Archaeological Institute of Tirana, the University of Bologna, the University of Chieti-Pescara, the University of Macerata, CNR - Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale
Microsoft TEAMS
Webinars in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Tirana, the Albanian Ministry of Culture, Assorestauro, the Archaeological Institute of Tirana, the University of Bologna, the University of Chieti-Pescara, the University of Macerata, CNR - Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale
Google Zoom
Speech part of the International Webinar Conference "Andres Gar Polis (Thuc. Vii, 77.7) Partecipazione Civica E Produzione Nelle Città Greche D’occidente" organised by the University of Basilicata and its Department of Humanities.