Presentation during the "Le lagune nel mondo antico. Dinamiche insediative, infrastrutture, ambiente" conference, organised by the University of Venice, the University of Padova, the University of Bologna, the Centro Studi Archeologia Venezia, with the contribution of La Dragaggi
Date: 14 DECEMBER 2022 from 9:00 to 18:00
Event location: Ca’ Dolfin, Dorsoduro 3825/D, Venezia
Conference organised by the dept. of Humanities of the University Ca' Foscari of Venice, the dept. of Geoscience of the University of Padua, the dept. of Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna, the Centro Studi Archeologia Venezia, with the contribution of La Dragaggi and hosted by the University Ca' Foscari of Venice. Directors of the Butrint Project, Enrico Giorgi and Belisa Muka, presented "La laguna di Butrinto. Un paesaggio dinamico tra terra e mare" about the role of the lagoon during the history of Butrint.