International Conference: The Concept of Actual Infinity. Spinoza, before and beyond

26-27 November 2024, Bologna / 7- 8 April 2025, Paris in presenza e online

  • Data:

    07 APRILE
    08 APRILE 2025
     dalle 9:00 alle 23:00
  • Luogo: Paris - Evento in presenza e online

  • Tipo: spinoza-e-le-filosofie

International Conference

“The Concept of Actual Infinity. Spinoza, before and beyond”

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University of Bologna, ICSS Sive Natura,

Johns Hopkins University, ERC Philiumm, SPHERE

The conference is part of the annual programme of the HPM and CHSPAM (SPHERE) seminars.




Yitzhak Melamed (Johns Hopkins University), David Rabouin (CNRS, ERC Philiumm),

Lorenzo Vinciguerra (University of Bologna, Sive Natura ICSS), Matteo Camerini (Ph.D. SPHERE, UniBo, Sive Natura ICSS)




7- 8 April 2025, Paris



Jean-Pascal Anfray, Paolo Bussotti, Joao Cortese, Filippo Costantini, Antonella Del Prete,

Hao Dong, José Ferreirós, Warren Zev Harvey, Juliette Kennedy, Paolo Mancosu, Connor Morrison, Ohad Nachtomy, Anat Schechtman, Claire Schwartz, Hourya Sinaceur




7-8 APRIL 2025


7 April 2025



Amphithéâtre Turing, bâtiment Sophie Germain, Pl. Aurélie Nemours, 75013 Paris


9.30 – 9.45

Welcome and Institutional Greetings


9.45 – 10.45

Hourya Sinaceur (CNRS)

Bolzano’s concept of actual infinite




11.00 – 12.00

José Ferreirós (Universidad de Sevilla)

Prelude to Cantor: Riemann, Dedekind and actual infinity




14.00 – 15.00

Juliette Kennedy (University of Helsinki)

Set theory as a theory of the infinite




15.15 – 16.15

Paolo Mancosu (University of California, Berkeley)

How many points are in a line segment? From Grosseteste to numerosities.


16.15 – 17.15

Warren Zev Harvey (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Actual Infinity in the Philosophy of Hasdai Crescas




8 April 2025



Salle Valentin, Batiment Condorcet, 4 rue Elsa Morante, 75013 Paris


9.30 – 10.30

João Cortese (University of São Paulo)

Pascal and Actual Infinity


10.30 – 11.30

Connor Morrison (Johns Hopkins University)

Newtonian Moral Infinity




11.45 – 12.45

Jean-Pascal Anfray (ENS)

The concept of indefinite in Descartes




14.30 – 15.30

Claire Schwartz (Université Paris Nanterre)

Malebranche and the names of actual infinity




15.45 – 16.45

Hao Dong (Johns Hopkins University) [on Zoom]

Infinity and Contingency in Leibniz and Spinoza


16.45 – 17.45

Filippo Costantini (CNRS, ERC Philiumm)

Leibniz on infinite regresses


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