
The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence has planned a wide range of initiatives and activities devoted to the academic community, the students and the general public: 5 international workshops, each one focusing on the main topics of EU structural foreign policy (development cooperation, security, migration, social economy and human rights); 1 international conference, intended as the outcome of the works on the theme “The European Union in World Politics: What Power? What Leadership? A multidisciplinary Approach”. 4 summer schools dealing with European Union subjects for MA students; 3 simulations of Parliamentary Assembly for MA students; 1 international seminar for Phs students; events and conferences on themes concerning the EU in world politics; training courses for school teachers and professionals; creation of an online research community; scientific publications.


The ex President of the European Commission, Prof. Romano Prodi, took a Lectio Magistralis on the growing problems of European Integration.