Mentee guide


1. The Mentoring program of the School of Economics and Management of the Forlì Campus is a project of orientation to work through the guided relationship between a Senior subject already permanently inserted in the world of work (Mentor) and a Junior, student enrolled in the Master's Degree (Mentee).

2. The mentor assigned to you has attended the same Master's degree program as you but is not necessarily working in the same profession as you would like to do in the future. He or she is a capable, competent, and mature professional who will certainly be able to give you valuable advice and guidance. The mentor cannot deal with educational matters nor is he or she in charge of providing guidance on possible employment outlets.His or her role in this project is to orient you in the world of work.

3. What topics will you cover during the interviews? These are useful guidelines for setting up the meetings:



1. Voluntary membership in the project implies acceptance of the University Code of Conduct

2. Because enrollment is voluntary, we expect you to value the experience you have chosen and for which you have been selected by meeting the deadlines set by the project and the appointments set with your mentors

3. The project runs from November to July and meetings with the mentor vary from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 4/5, depending on the discussion topics that emerge and the availability of both. Meetings will be online or in-person and a monthly schedule will be established to facilitate their scheduling.

4. You are responsible for contacting the mentor by email within 7 days of official notification of the matching and informing the coordinator that you have scheduled the first cognitive interview.

5. The duration of the project is 8 months and you will be asked for 2 reports: a first one at the end of February to calibrate the progress of the matching by connecting to this link:
a second one at the end of the project to assess its achieved objectives and possible room for improvement:

6. For the meetings you can use either the guidelines provided by the project at the link:, or or deal with topics of interest to the mentee as long as they relate to the project.