Meeting guidelines

Below you will find some useful discussion topics for meetings between mentors and mentees. It will be the students' responsibility to contact the Mentors, flexibly scheduling the meetings in compliance with the deadlines of the project itself.


  • Tips for writing an effective CV and motivational/cover letter;
  • Tips for recruiting-oriented use of social platforms (for example, Linkedin)
  • Role of the spirit of entrepreneurship and proactivity in building one's career;
  • How to approach a job interview (for example, dress code and self-presentation);
  • Professional profiles most sought after by companies and the job market, for faster job placement.
  • Importance of the acquisition and consolidation of specific transversal professional skills (use of Excel, professionalising programmes, etc.);
  • Importance of acquiring and consolidating language skills;
  • stakeholder management and career advancement (if already placed in the company) in this case mentors can teach mentees how to relate to colleagues and senior profiles in the company, get the right visibility/recognition for their work achievements
  • How to make a mid- to long-term career growth plan (5 years and beyond)