ACS Webinair "Online vs. In-Person Networking as Medicinal Chemist". Learn from the best and brightest minds in chemistry with Live weekly broadcasts
Professor Maria Laura Bolognesi will talk about New frontiers in CNS at the First Session of PharmWebinars.
Professor Maria Laura Bolognesi has been invited to join and celebrate the scientific session at La Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia y la Fundación José Casares Gil
4th EFMC-YSN MedChemBioOnline
4th EFMC-YSN MedChemBioOnline
1st ChemMedChem Virtual Symposium
Prof. Maria Laura Bolognesi will give a speech at MedChemTrain e-school titled "Multi-target-directed ligands to combat Alzhiemer's disease - challenges and opportunities"
Aula A (Ex Farmacologia), via Irnerio 48
Giuseppe Legname, Professor of Biochemistry, Dept. Neuroscience SISSA, Trieste, will hold a seminar entitled "A novel approach for the treatment of prion disease through enhanced clearance"
Via Belmeloro, 6
Dott. Roberta Tesch, from the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC-Frankfurt), Germany will hold a presentation on "OPEN SCIENCE: THE SGC NETWORK ”. Students and Faculty Member are invited to join
Via Belmeloro, 6
B2AlzD is a "laboratory without walls" created to structure cooperation between teams within the Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology of University of Bologna and Brazilian Partners.