Giusino, D., De Angelis, M., Mazzetti, G., Faiulo, I. R., Innstrand, S. T., Christensen, M., & Nielsen, K. (2022). Mentally healthy healthcare: Main findings and lessons learned from a needs assessment exercise at multiple workplace levels. In Clint A. Bowers, Deborah C. Beidel, Madeline R. Marks, Kristin Horan and Janis Cannon-Bowers (Eds.), Mental Health and Wellness in Healthcare Workers: Identifying Risks, Prevention, and Treatment, 143-171. IGI Global.
De Angelis, M., Mazzetti, G., & Guglielmi, D. (2021). Job insecurity and job performance: A serial mediated relationship and the buffering effect of organizational justice. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 694057.
Giusino, D., De Angelis, M., Mazzetti, G., Christensen, M., Innstrand, S. T., Faiulo, I. R., & Chiesa, R. (2021). "We all held our own": Job demands and resources at individual, leader, group, and organizational levels during COVID-19 outbreak in health care. A multi-source qualitative study. Workplace Health & Safety, 70(1), 6-16.
Giusino, D., De Angelis, M., & Pietrantoni, L. (2021). Digital solutions for workplace mental health promotion during COVID-19 pandemic: Taxonomy and Human Factors issues. In Black, N.L., Neumann, W.P., Noy, I. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021). IEA 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 222. Springer, Cham.
De Angelis, M., Giusino, D., Nielsen, K., Aboagye, E., Christensen, M., Innstrand, S. T., Mazzetti, G., van den Heuvel, M., Sijbom, R. B. L., Pelzer, V., Chiesa, R., & Pietrantoni, L. (2020). H-WORK Project: Multilevel Interventions to Promote Mental Health in SMEs and Public Workplaces. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(21), 8035.
Gualtieri, L., Fraboni, F., De Marchi, M., & Rauch, E. (2022). Development and evaluation of design guidelines for cognitive ergonomics in human-robot collaborative assembly systems. Applied Ergonomics, 104, 103807.
Fraboni, F., Gualtieri, L., Millo, F., De Marchi, M., Pietrantoni, L., & Rauch, E. (2021, June). Human-Robot Collaboration During Assembly Tasks: The Cognitive Effects of Collaborative Assembly Workstation Features. In Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (pp. 242-249). Springer, Cham.
Gualtieri, L., Fraboni, F., Marchi, M. D., & Rauch, E. (2021, June). Evaluation of Variables of Cognitive Ergonomics in Industrial Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly Systems. In Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (pp. 266-273). Springer, Cham.
Maugliani, N., Caimmi, M., Malosio, M., Airoldi, F., Borro, D., Rosquete, D., Ausejo, S., Giusino, D., Fraboni, F., Rainieri, G., Pietrantoni, L., & Roveda, L. (2021). Lower-limbs exoskeletons benchmark exploiting a stairs-based testbed: The STEPbySTEP project. In Moreno, J.C., Masood, J., Schneider, U., Maufroy, C., Pons, J.L. (Eds.), Wearable Robotics: Challenges and Trends. WeRob 2020. Biosystems & Biorobotics, 27. Springer, Cham.
Millo, F., Gesualdo, M., Fraboni, F., & Giusino, D. (2021). Human likeness in robots: Differences between industrial and non-industrial robots. ECCE 2021: European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2021, 22, 1-5.
La Bara, L. M. A., Meloni, L., Giusino, D., & Pietrantoni, L. (2021). Assessment methods of usability and cognitive workload of rehabilitative exoskeletons: A systematic review. Applied Sciences, 11(15), 7146.
Giusino, D., Fraboni, F., Rainieri, G., De Angelis, M., Tria, A., La Bara, L. M. A., & Pietrantoni, L. (2020). Human Factors in interfaces for rehabilitation-assistive exoskeletons: A critical review and research agenda. In Ahram, T., Taiar, R., Gremeaux-Bader, V., Aminian, K. (Eds.), Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Applications II. IHIET 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1152. Springer, Cham.
Fraboni, F., Prati, G., Casu, G., De Angelis, M., & Pietrantoni, L. (2022). A cluster analysis of cyclists in Europe: Common patterns, behaviours, and attitudes. Transportation, 49, 591-620.
Martinolli, G., De Angelis, M., Tordera, N., & Pietrantoni, L. (2021). The organizational climate for sustainable commuting: An Italian validation study in the academic sector. Sustainability, 13(16), 9215.
Prati, G., De Angelis, M., Fraboni, F., Pietrantoni, L., Johnson, D., & Shires, J. (2020). Journey attributes, e-bike use, and perception of driving behavior of motorists as predictors of bicycle crash involvement and severity. Transportation Research Record, 2674(12), 581-589.
De Angelis, M., Fraboni, F., Puchades, V. M., Prati, G., & Pietrantoni, L. (2019). Use of smartphone and crash risk among cyclists. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 1-16.
De Angelis, M., Stuiver, A., Fraboni, F., Prati, G., Puchades, V. M., Fassina, F., . . . Pietrantoni, L. (2019). Green wave for cyclists: Users’ perception and preferences. Applied Ergonomics,76, 113-121. doi:10.1016/j.apergo.2018.12.008
Fraboni, F., Puchades, V. M., Angelis, M. D., Pietrantoni, L., & Prati, G. (2018). Red-light running behavior of cyclists in Italy: An observational study. Accident Analysis & Prevention,120, 219-232. doi:10.1016/j.aap.2018.08.013
Prati, G., Puchades, V. M., De Angelis, M., Pietrantoni, L., Fraboni, F., Decarli, N., ... & Dardari, D. (2018). Evaluation of user behavior and acceptance of an on-bike system. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 58, 145-155.
De Angelis, M., Puchades, V. M., Fraboni, F., Pietrantoni, L., & Prati, G. (2017). Negative attitudes towards cyclists influence the acceptance of an in-vehicle cyclist detection system. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 49, 244-256.
Prati, G., Marín Puchades, V., De Angelis, M., Fraboni, F., & Pietrantoni, L. (2017). Factors contributing to bicycle–motorised vehicle collisions: a systematic literature review. Transport Reviews, 1-25.
Prati, G., Puchades, V. M., & Pietrantoni, L. (2017). Cyclists as a minority group?. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 47, 34-41.
Prati, G., De Angelis, M., Puchades, V. M., Fraboni, F., & Pietrantoni, L. (2017). Characteristics of cyclist crashes in Italy using latent class analysis and association rule mining. PloS one, 12(2), e0171484.
Dardari, D., Decarli, N., Guerra, A., Al-Rimawi, A., Puchades, V. M., Prati, G., ... & Pietrantoni, L. (2017). High-accuracy tracking using ultrawideband signals for enhanced safety of cyclists. Mobile information systems, 2017.
Fraboni, F., Puchades, V. M., De Angelis, M., Prati, G., & Pietrantoni, L. (2016). Social influence and different types of red-light behaviors among cyclists. Frontiers in psychology, 7.
Prati, G., Pietrantoni, L., & Fraboni, F. (2017). Using data mining techniques to predict the severity of bicycle crashes. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 101, 44-54.
De Angelis, M., Pietrantoni, L., Marín Puchades, V., Fraboni, F., & Prati, G. (2016). International Cycling Safety Conference-Book of abstracts.
Piccinini, G. B., Prati, G., Pietrantoni, L., Manzini, C., Rodrigues, C. M., & Leitão, M. (2013). Drivers’ hand positions on the steering wheel while using Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and driving without the system. Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society Europe, 207-216.
Prati, G., Albanesi, C., & Pietrantoni, L. (2017). The interplay among environmental attitudes, pro-environmental behavior, social identity, and pro-environmental institutional climate. A longitudinal study. Environmental Education Research, 23(2), 176-191.
Prati, G., Albanesi, C., Pietrantoni, L., & Airoldi, L. (2016). Public perceptions of beach nourishment and conflict management strategies: A case study of Portonovo Bay in the Adriatic Italian Coast. Land Use Policy, 50, 422-428.
Prati, G., Albanesi, C., & Pietrantoni, L. (2016). Social Well-Being and Pro-Environmental Behavior: A Cross-Lagged Panel Design.
Vanderlinden, J. P., Baztan, J., Touili, N., Kane, I. O., Rulleau, B., Simal, P. D., .Pietrantoni L., & Zagonari, F. (2017). Coastal flooding, uncertainty and climate change: Science as a solution to (mis) perceptions? A qualitative enquiry in three coastal European settings. Journal of Coastal Research, 77(sp1), 127-133.
Touili, N., Baztan, J., Vanderlinden, J. P., Kane, I. O., Diaz-Simal, P., & Pietrantoni, L. (2014). Public perception of engineering-based coastal flooding and erosion risk mitigation options: Lessons from three European coastal settings. Coastal Engineering, 87, 205-209.
Stithou, M., Pescaroli, G., Pietrantoni, L., Koundouri, P., Rulleau, B., Touli, N., ... & Penning-Rowsell, E. (2013). Promoting resilient economies by exploring insurance potential for facing coastal flooding and erosion: evidence from Italy, Spain, France and United Kingdom (No. 127). Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment.
Guglielmi, D., Paolucci, A., Fraboni, F., Mariani, M. G., Pietrantoni, L., Moreno, V. C., ... & Scataglini, L. (2022). Improving the assessment of human barriers: an innovative methodology for the Energy industry. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 90, 715-720.
Guglielmi, D., Paolucci, A., Cozzani, V., Mariani, M. G., Pietrantoni, L., & Fraboni, F. (2022). Integrating human barriers in human reliability analysis: A new model for the energy sector. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(5), 2797.
de Castro, B. L., Gracia, F. J., Peiró, J. M., Pietrantoni, L., & Hernandez, A. (2013). Testing the validity of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safety culture model. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 60, 231-244.
Prati, G., & Pietrantoni, L. (2014). Attitudes to teamwork and safety among Italian surgeons and operating room nurses. Work, 49(4), 669-677.
Knuth, D., Kehl, D., Galea, E., Hulse, L., Sans, J., Vallès, L., ... & Petterson, S. (2014). BeSeCu-S–a self-report instrument for emergency survivors. Journal of Risk Research, 17(5), 601-620.
Kehl, D., Knuth, D., Galea, E., Hulse, L., Sans, J., Valles, L., ... & Wolanin, J. (2014). Advancing disaster relief: Development of a self-report questionnaire for firefighters. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, 3(3), 167.
Hissel, F., Morel, G., Pescaroli, G., Graaff, H., Felts, D., & Pietrantoni, L. (2014). Early warning and mass evacuation in coastal cities. Coastal Engineering, 87, 193-204.
Prati, G., Saccinto, E., Pietrantoni, L., & Pérez-Testor, C. (2013). The 2012 Northern Italy earthquakes: modelling human behaviour. Natural hazards, 69(1), 99-113.
Prati, G., Catufi, V., & Pietrantoni, L. (2013). La definizione di un sistema di competenze non tecniche dei soccorritori. Risultati di uno studio qualitativo. Rassegna di Psicologia, 30(3), 31-50.
Saccinto, E., Vallès, L., Hilterman, E., Roiha, M., Pietrantoni, L., & Pérez-Testor, C. (2013). Perceived self-efficacy during an emergency situation reduces posttraumatic stress symptoms. The Spanish journal of psychology, 16.
Saccinto, E., Pérez-Testor, C., & Pietrantoni, L. (2013). The influence of psychosocial factors on human behaviour in emergency. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 4.
Prati, G., & Pietrantoni, L. (2013). The semantic specificity of gestures when verbal communication is not possible: The case of emergency evacuation. International Journal of Psychology, 48(5), 762-771.
Prati, G., & Pietrantoni, L. (2016). Knowledge, risk perceptions, and xenophobic attitudes: Evidence from Italy during the Ebola outbreak. Risk Analysis, 36(10), 2000-2010.
Prati, G., Pietrantoni, L., Saccinto, E., Kehl, D., Knuth, D., & Schmidt, S. (2013). Risk perception of different emergencies in a sample of European firefighters. Work, 45(1), 87-96.