
Building trustworthy planning and scheduling systems

Our research group brings significant expertise to the TUPLES project, focusing on the user-centered design and evaluation of AI systems, particularly in the domains of planning and scheduling (P&S). Our group specializes in understanding and improving the interaction between humans and complex systems, applying principles of ergonomics to enhance usability, accessibility, and overall system performance.

Key Contributions:

User-Centered Design Expertise: We provide insights into how P&S tools can be designed with the end-user in mind, ensuring that these systems are intuitive, easy to use, and effectively meet the needs of diverse user groups. This is crucial for fostering trust and facilitating the adoption of new AI technologies.

Evaluation Frameworks: Our group develops and implements comprehensive evaluation frameworks that assess both the effectiveness and the human factors of AI systems. This includes testing for usability, user satisfaction, and cognitive load, which are essential for verifying that the systems are not only efficient but also user-friendly.

Transparency and Explainability:  We develop methods to increase the transparency and explainability of AI systems. This involves creating interfaces and interactions that help users understand and predict AI behavior, which is key to building trust and ensuring effective human-AI collaboration.

Training and Support Systems: We design training programs and support systems that help users effectively engage with AI technologies. By enhancing user competence and confidence, these programs accelerate the integration and acceptance of AI solutions in real-world settings.

Through these contributions, our group aims to ensure that AI systems are not only technologically advanced but also aligned with human needs and values, thus supporting the overarching goals of the TUPLES project to develop trustworthy AI solutions in planning and scheduling.