Giulia Lasagni
Senior Assistant Professor in Criminal Procedure
Principal Investigator
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Giuseppe Contissa
Senior Assistant Professor in Legal Informatics
Project Coordinator
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Michele Caianiello
Head of Department of Legal Studies (DSG), Full Professor in Criminal Procedure
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Giovanni Sartor
Full Professor in Legal Informatics at CIRSFID (Interdepartmental Centre for Research in the History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Law and in Computer Science and Law)
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Isadora Neroni Rezende
Research Fellow in Criminal Procedure
Administrative coordinator
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Antonio Pugliese
Research Fellow in Criminal Procedure
Administrative coordinator
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Marco Billi
PhD Candidate in Legal Informatics
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Alessandro Parenti
PhD Candidate in Legal Informatics
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Alessandra Santangelo
Research Fellow in Criminal Law
Legal expert
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Nicolò Gibelli
PhD Candidate in Criminal Procedure
Legal Expert
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Anna Piovan
PhD Candidate in Criminal Procedure
University of Bologna
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Maria Corvaglia
Master's student
Legal expert
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